The Art of Drawing Crossword Puzzle

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The Art of Drawing Crossword Puzzle

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  • curved : a line that bends or turns
  • background : the part of an artwork that seems farthest from the viewer
  • detailed : having many intricate elements
  • simplify : to make less complex
  • line : any stroke made by a pen, brush, or other tool
  • middle ground : a part of a painting or drawing that is between the foreground and the background
  • repeating : a pattern or element that occurs over and over in a work of art
  • foreground : the area in an artwork that appears closest to the viewer
  • thick : broad; wide
  • observation : the act of looking closely
  • autodidact : one who is self-taught
  • tones : the quality of a color
  • graphic : an image simplified to lines, shapes, forms, and colors
  • hatching : an area of parallel lines
  • stylized : a from reduced to its most basic shape
  • pattern : similar or identical images or sets of images repeated in an artwork
  • shadow : an area of darkness that is cast by an object that cuts off light to that area
  • zigzagged : pattern of lines arranged in a series of sharp angles