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Arts & Crafts Crossword Puzzles
Free printable arts-and-crafts crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
red, blue, green, yellow, orange, a liquid that is used to color something, use this to put paint on paper, a long, thin tool used for writing or …
when one object covers a part of a second object, the first seems to be closer, the placement of forms, shapes, colors, and light and dark areas in a …
this was a pose seen in classical greek statues that shows the weight shift of the body, this was a period in ancient greek art marked by the use of …
a quick way to modify your photos with interesting additions, zoom in, to make changes to the photos, usually manually, spreads around the internet …
visible features of a land area, an art form that tells a story through music and singing in theater, long fictional narrative story, art and practice …
this refers to the size and shape of furnishings in relation to the overall shape and size of a room, this can be geometric, like squares; or organic, …
art style influenced by the eastern roman empire, place where religious services are held, used in byzantine churches to depict religious figures, …
protects an engraved cylinder, printing using an engraved cylinder, transfers the ink from the fountain roller to the plate, process colours, …
it is a magazine or book that contains a set of stories told in pictures with a small amount of writing, this process involves passing the weft …
painted the mona lisa, sculpted david, painted the school of athens, master of venetian painting, sculpted bronze david, painted the birth of venus, …
this material is used to 'make good' any imperfections on a surface to be painted, a paint that gives a top coat finish, this paint provides a base …
the practice of applying paint or other media to a surface, usually with a brush, a smooth, flat surface on which artists set out and mix their colors …
an image made up of pixels, the type of graphic that is scalable without losing quality, the number of pixels in an image or screen, a small square of …
an artistic form or medium usually created on a defined substrate that consists of three-dimensional elements projecting out of or from the substrate, …
apparatus used to add twist in the yarn, no solvent is used in this process, a volatile solvent is used in this process, yarn formed from staple …
sliding interior leg structure of the tent, material of the canopy and walls, hook and loop hold walls in place, easy to use locks that hold legs at …
a style of architecture with pointed arches and flying buttresses, external supports for tall walls in gothic buildings, stone carvings of human or …