Sketch Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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Sketch Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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  • overlapping : when one object covers a part of a second object, the first seems to be closer.
  • composition : the placement of forms, shapes, colors, and light and dark areas in a work of art. artists use composition to direct the viewer’s eye to the most important elements of a work of art.
  • background : the part of a picture that appears to be farthest away from the viewer.
  • hatching : achieved by applying one-direction lines to create value; the more the lines, the darker the value. contoured lines are used with round objects.
  • cast shadow : a shadow that is cast by an object onto an adjacent or nearby plane.
  • middle ground : the part of the painting that lies between the background and the foreground.
  • chiaroscuro : italian word meaning light/dark. the gradation of light and dark values in a 2-dimensional imagery; especially the illusion of rounded, 3-dimensional forms.
  • contour line : line that defines the edges of forms, separating each area from neighboring ones.
  • asymmetry : two sides are not the same but still balance each other.
  • focal point : the area of an artwork that attracts the viewer’s attention.
  • highlight : where the light hits the object portrayed.
  • full range : use of values from lightest to darkest in a work.
  • depth : the illusion of space in a picture plane.
  • cross hatching : achieved by drawing crossing lines to create value. the more the lines that cross, the darker the value. contoured lines are used with round objects.
  • foreground : in a scene or artwork, the part that seems closest to the viewer.
  • gestural line : line that shows the movement inherent in the object or figure, usually very fluid looking.
  • illustration : a work of art created to accompany a story or other literary work in print.
  • linear perspective : based on the fact that parallel lines or edges appear to converge and objects appear smaller as the distance between them and the viewer increases.