Arts and Humanities Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: baritone : between the tenor and the bass, dynamics : the volume of the sound, painting : a skill for producing significant effects on flat surfaces, irony : a comparison of what is apparent and what is possible, characters : refers to the figures who appear in the story—either people or animals, drama : a presentation made composed of characters' speech, noises, and motions, short story : a piece of fiction that may be read all at once, literature : a form of art that presents symbolic representations of human sensations or emotions, technique : it is the way the artist manipulates the medium to produce the intended result, pleasant : full, open vowel sounds, dance : a form of entertainment that tells a narrative, style : control over the resources used in figurative and literary language, scenery : a stage or environment where dance is presented, theme : the dance's message, music : refers to the organization of sound at a particular period, tragedy : struggle or sufferings, essay : a literary work on a specific theme, tone : atmosphere, feelings, sculpture : the process of assembling material module pieces to create a figure, rhythm : the series of sounds being highlighted.