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Health & Fitness Crossword Puzzles
Free printable health-and-fitness crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
bi product of anaerobic exercise, a type of sugar you get from the foods you eat, and your body uses it for energy, the amount of blood passed through …
potent, broad-spectrum antibiotics that act through inhibition of protein synthesis, helps determine if a drug is in a toxic range or if the dosage of …
state of being that enables one to reach his/her fullest potential, amount of time it takes to move once you realize the need to act, _ heart rate - …
a skill related component of fitness, the duration of a exercise session, a measure of the intensity of exercise, the body's ability to lift weights, …
muscle that helps your lungs pull in air and push it out, muscular tube through which food passes from the pharynx to the stomach, tiny air sacs in …
a drug that stimulates red blood cell production, side effect of myelosuppression that affects bone marrow, risk for thrombocytopenia (decrease in the …
big risk factor, that if stopped would improve health, relaxes blood vessels, lowers bp and diabetes related kidney damage, a complication from chf, …
inflammation of the membrane covering the eye, pertaining to the eyes and nose, a scaly plaque that sticks to the animals teeth, offensive breath, …
what should employers put in place to prevent illness or injuries?, if you develop an illness or severe pain from work what is affected your health or …
the letter or number on your specimen bottle should _ the pathology sheet, the tech should _ out loud the bottle number and specimen location while …
when my levels in the blood are too high it is called leukocytosis and when they are too low it is called leukopenia, a condition where the levels of …
loss of coordination of voluntary muscle movements, a condition that leads to progressive degeneration of nerve cells in the brain that affects …
underproduction of cortisol, inflammation of the small intestine, misaligned jaw, the penis won’t retract inside the sheath, pressure on the brain, …
an essential nutrient that helps the body build and repair cells, too little of this mineral can cause weak bones, low bone mass, and osteoporosis, a …
temporary unconsciousness; fainting, abnormally low circulating blood volume, rupture of red blood cells, general term referring to the relative state …
the voluntary control is lost, the outlet of the stomach, the mouth of the ostomy, stretching of my walls to accommodate the fecal mass, loss of …
the extreme scarcity of food, a long period of time without rainfall, the state of extreme poorness, the want or desire to eat, the making or …
ability of the circulatory system to supply oxygen to working muscles during exercise, the number of times your heart beats in one minute, enhances …
a unit of heat used to measure the energy your body uses and the energy it receives from food, any form of movement that causes your body to use …
negative attitudes and beliefs that create prejudice against individuals with mental health conditions, someone who speaks up and promotes awareness …
overstretching and tearing a muscle.n, a risk of physical activity in the cold weather that damages the skin and tissues caused by extreme cold, the …
treating patients with respect and honoring their preferences, a document outlining the rights of patients receiving medical care, the obligation to …
coping skills are focused on staying calm and _ , coping thoughts and skills can also be used to keep control and _ yourself from the provoking …
associated with an infectious disease that occurs frequently in a specific geographical locale, when illness or disease is passed from mother to child …
defined as the study of the time course of adme, type of cyp p450 metabolizer that clears drugs quickly, type of agonist that produces a conformation …
performs under the direction of a physician, investigates, treats and gives aid to people with social problems, trained to provide care for people who …
imbalance in the normal flora, extent to which a person's behavior coincides with medical or health advice, fungal infection that affects skin, hair …
capable of being transmitted from one person to another, the number of new cases of a disease in a specific population, denoting a disease of unknown …
the theory that emotion is based on physiological arousal and cognitive label. (three words), the inability to retrieve information before a traumatic …
people who always google their symptoms in order to find an illness, a painful swelling on the skin that contains liquid, caused usually by continuous …