Nutrition Month Quiz Crossword Puzzle

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Nutrition Month Quiz Crossword Puzzle

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  • fiber: dietary _ is one of the nutrients we all should get more of in our diet
  • servings: _ per container is the total number of servings in the package
  • size: serving _ is the amount of food usually eaten at one time
  • calories: refers to the total number of calories in a serving
  • moderate: 100 calories per servings is considered this
  • high: 400 calories per serving is considered this
  • daily: _ value (dv) shows percentage of a total daily diet
  • five: _ percent per serving of dv is considered low
  • twenty: _ - percent per serving of dv is considered high
  • saturated: _ fat is a type of nutrient you want less of
  • calcium: nutrient you want more of
  • meat: recommended serving amount is 3oz
  • palm: size of your _ is a guide to know 3oz.
  • fist: front of clenched _ equals ½ cup
  • pasta: limit to ½ cup servings.
  • fingertip: use your _ to know the size of 1 teaspoon
  • protein: one can of tuna has 17g of _
  • best: _ by is the recommended date for best flavor or quality