Advanced Health Crossword Puzzle

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Advanced Health Crossword Puzzle

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  • left hemorrhage : an intracerebral hemorrhage (ich) is usually caused by rupture of tiny arteries within the brain tissue (2 words no spaces)
  • right hemorrhage : brain stroke happens when blood supply to the right side of the brain is stopped. the right side of the brain is in charge of the left side of the body. (2 words no spaces)
  • diagnosis : the identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms.
  • thermography : thermal video and/or thermal imaging, is a process where a thermal camera captures and creates an image of an object by using infrared radiation emitted from the object in a process
  • fungus : diseases caused by a fungus (yeast or mold). it is most common on your skin or nails
  • alien hand syndrome : a phenomenon in which one hand is not under control of the mind (3 words no spaces)
  • cancer cells : these gene mutations may be inherited, develop over time as we get older and genes wear out(2 words no spaces)
  • brain :the most complex part of the human body
  • split brain : patients in whom the corpus callosum has been cut for the alleviation of medically intractable epilepsy(2 words no spaces)
  • bone : made of protein, collagen, and minerals, especially calcium
  • offspring : a person's child or children.
  • sperm : male reproductive cells that originate in the testicles.
  • genetic code : each gene's code uses the four nucleotide bases of dna(2 words no spaces)
  • surgery : the branch of medical practice that treats injuries, diseases, and deformities by the physical removal, repair, or readjustment of organs and tissues, often involves cutting into the body.
  • detox : detoxification or detoxication is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism, including the human body, which is mainly carried out by the liver.