Sedentary Lifestyle and Somatotypes Crossword Puzzle
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- obesity : a condition often resulting from a sedentary lifestyle, characterised by excess body fat
- heart disease : a disease affecting the heart, linked to obesity and lack of exercise.
- hypertension : a condition involving high blood pressure, often due to poor diet and inactivity
- diabetes : a chronic illness that affects blood sugar regulation, associated with obesity.
- lethargic : a lack of energy or enthusiasm, often a result of a sedentary lifestyle.
- ectomorph : a somatotype characterised by a lean and delicate body build.
- mesomorph : a somatotype associated with a muscular and athletic build.
- endomorph : a somatotype linked to a rounder body shape and higher fat storage.
- depression : a mental health condition linked to obesity and lack of social interaction
- high cholesterol : a major risk factor for heart disease, caused by excessive unhealthy fats
- isolation : the inability to interact socially due to health concerns.
- sedentary : the state of being inactive, leading to multiple health risks.
- low self esteem : the loss of confidence and self-worth due to health problems.