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Health & Fitness Crossword Puzzles
Free printable health-and-fitness crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
lifestyle approach to healthy eating, fueling your body and feeling good (2 words), a substance added to food to enhance its flavor or appearance or …
a disorder of the mind; false beliefs and suspicion about a person or situation, response or change in the body caused by any emotional, physical, …
a major factor in bone health and brain function, a factor that you can't control that affects physical health, a factor in maintaining physical …
the accomplishment of an aim or purpose, having or showing behavior that is respectful and considerate of others, the object of a person's ambition or …
osteoporosis is when bones become, your bones may more easily, eat a variety of foods and get enough protein and, what helps to build and repair bones …
small fruits that are blue. considered a super food, type of nut that is high in magnesium, type of fruit commonly served with shortcake. in season …
to file zones to smooth uneven areas or hard edges, another nail shape, finished nails can be polished or?, what is the bit called that sanding bits …
breakdown glycogen for body and brain use now, increased thirst, too much urine output, group of metabolic risk factors that occur together, …
related to lungs. (9), vessels that take blood away from the heart. (6), the system of blood flow in the body. (10), capillaries allow this to happen …
bell's (blank) is a symptom of lyme disease caused by damage to the facial nerve, (blank) migrans is a painless skin rash that often looks like a …
conditions relating to public health, especially the provision of clean drinking water and adequate sewage disposal, an event that results in the loss …
also known as ascorbic acid, cooking temperatures can break down water soluble vitamins, a subgroup of vitamins that are not easily stored in the body …
thickening of large arteries caused by calcium deposits, vertigo, coronary artery disease, sound heard at 5th intercostal space, drop in bp when …
the blurred margin of an image, father of radiology, how many sets of paired physical gradients are present in an mr scanner, coating on x-ray film, …
fungal infection characterized by red papules, or spots at the opening of the hair follicle, also known as tinea favus: fungal infection characterized …
the process used to kill or prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, can be up to 99% effective when performed correctly, a person or animal …
ph bacteria like to live in, remove this in foods like pasta and rice for your food to last a long time, a visible sign of food spoilage, the type of …
the power or process of reproducing or _ what has been learned and retained, the capacity to concentrate on specific information and determine what …
a synthetic hormone used to treat hypothyroidism, _ fibrillation - a heart condition, one of the oldest blood-thinners, narrows blood vessels and …
such mental states or the qualities that are associated with them, especially in contrast to reason, a confidence and satisfaction in oneself, a …
gases that are under pressure, can cause irritation (skin and eye), flame over circle, may cause a fire by increasing the amount of oxygen in the air, …
the ability to perform mental arithmetic, and calculating is compromised when your _ are low, while _ , you’ll need 7 to 10 ounces of water every 10 …
the best way to protect yourself from infection (2 words), you should cough or sneeze into this, a needle with an inactive form of virus that's given …
infectious disease with acute inflammation of the colon, syncope is?, protrusion of part of the stomach through the diaphragm at the point where the …
strain, pressure that is an individual experience, stress that builds up over time, 2 words, response of helping others experiencing trauma, 2 words, …
a repetitive behavior, blaming others or the environment for mistakes, apprehension, dread, uneasiness, nor epinephrine and serotonin, for example, …
the ability of organisms to duplicate or replicate new organisms of the same kind, the removal of metabolic wastes in an organism, the ability of …
common name for people who get tinea pedis or foot fungus, transmitted by direct contact, fungal infection of hands, allylamines, infections that …
a physical or mental feature implying a condition or disease, to be diagnosed with a panic disorder who do you have see?, a sudden episode of intense …
position in which the patient is on the back with knees slightly flexed, and the head of the bed is elevated 30 to 45 degrees, the process of walking, …