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Safety & Prevention Crossword Puzzles
Free printable safety crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
the act or manner or an instance of treating someone or something, a pledge or undertaking, a powerful desire for something, provide details about …
teen opioid overdose deaths have increased by _ percent since 1999, youth start using drugs as young as _ years old, they can provide a temporary _ …
a fall is defined by ndnqi as an unplanned descent to the floor with or without injury, regardless of where the patient lands, what one thing of these …
get your _ on!, if you remove a medication only _ should administer it, nurses should avoid these when administering medications, the _ rights of …
the _ of an ocpd s to protect conductors and equipment from damage caused by thermal and magnetic effects of over current, electrical workers and _ …
keep your _ of gravity between the siderails of a ladder, the straight or extension ladder shall extend a _ of 3 feet above the roof line, the duty …
it is our _ to work safely and report hazards, when using a forklift, use this to warn others of your approach, lta stands for loss time _ , acronym …
this worn when there is risk of splashing, clean first, then do this, this product is commonly used at a concentration of 1, always clean these prior …
larger vehicles need more _ to make turns, most states have "move over" laws dictating you must move over or slow down for _ vehicles, if …
slip- _ boots should be worn at all times, stairways should always be kept _ , take _ , think before you do, _ points of contact should be used …
injuries that happen suddenly, the physiological phase where swelling occurs, the second physiological phase that includes absorption, removal, …
check the flooring for _ that could cause slips, consuming regular _ can prevent dehydration and urinary tract infections, high or low blood _ can …
teach children to always ask before going near any water (source: american red cross), enclosing pools with fencing, supervising children when around …
practice so you know what to do in case of a fire, used to put out fires, all shift emergency call go to, sound you hear to let you know of an …
one of the responsibilities of an _ is to protect their own health & safety, one of the responsibilities of an employer is to provide safe _ , …
use these to alert others when you are changing direction, used at dusk, dawn and in poor weather, turn on in the cold to clear your view, use when …
this protects an associate's head, the part of your boot that protects your feet, these protect an associate's eyes from weld sparks and debris, …
measures weight and force (2 words), magnifies objects (2 words), magnify small objects, used to grab hot beakers, test tubes, and other equipment, …
what is another thing a fire needs to burn, what would we use to put out a fire on a surface, what is located in every corner of the school, what do …
software that helps protect your computer from viruses by detecting and removing them, the process of proving who you are, like using a password or …
anything with the potential to cause harm, the chance that a hazardous event will occur, the first stage in a risk assessment is to ......... hazards, …
used when working with substances that might get into your eyes or when sawing or cutting, what you should do with long hair, what you should do with …
measures temperature, a problem for discussion or investigation, loose clothing in a lab can cause these, this unit is used to measure mass, this type …
objects and obstacles in hallways and thoroughfares in general are serious _ hazards and can lead to serious injuries, whs involves the assessment and …
where should you aim a fire extinguisher nozzle when putting out a fire, do not _ power strips, acronym describing the correct sequence of using a …
dispose of batteries and light bulbs through the _ dept, windex, 409, and _ are cleaning products that are considered chemicals, _ not disposed of …
a type of restraint used to prevent falls or injury, typically placed on a chair, a condition linked to cognitive decline and impaired judgment, …
check the flooring for _ that could cause slips, consuming regular _ can prevent dehydration and urinary tract infections. (preventing hypotension …
never share where you.., always avoid getting viruses on your computer, never.....unsafe things, never share your full.., never use someone else's …
a strong, narrow flow of water moving swiftly away from the shore, to plunge headfirst into water, to die from suffocation due to immersion in water, …