Safety Rules Crossword Puzzle
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- eye goggles : where whenever instructed to by teacher
- confine : _ long hair during lab activities
- acid burn : wash affected area with plenty of water for 15 mins
- trashcans : where to dispose of all paper, wooden splints, toothpicks, glass, etc
- hot equipment : never carry through a crowd of people
- irrigate : if chemicals are splashed or rubbed into eyes
- lab activities : only perform when instruction and permission have been given by teacher
- always : when to wear shoes in the lab area
- never : when one should poor reagents back into bottles
- caution : use burners with _
- forbidden : eating and drinking in the lab are
- horseplay : absolutely no _ allowed in the lab
- equipment : only used what is authorized by teacher
- clean : keep work areas _
- follow : what to do with written and verbal instructions
- odor : always test _ by waving hand above container and from a distance
- gloves : don't allow to come in contact with flame
- glycerin : what to lubricate the glass tubing stopper hole with
- diluting acids : poor acids into water, never the reverse
- wash hands : what to do thoroughly at the conclusion of every lab
- chemicals : never touch or taste with hands unless told so
- fire drills : know all procedures for
- report : what to do if any accident occurs (even minor)
- plug : where to remove an electrical plug from the socket
- flame : don't bring any substances in contact with a _ unless told to do so