Emergencies Response at Workplace Crossword Puzzle

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Emergencies Response at Workplace Crossword Puzzle

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  • heart attack : any sudden instance of the blood supply to the heart muscle becoming inadequate, resulting in heart muscle damage.
  • first aid : emergency treatment for injury or sudden illness, before regular medical care is available
  • accident : when a forklift hits another vehicle, person walking or other object, such as a tree, pole or building.
  • faint : pass out or to lose consciousness for a period of time.
  • poisoning : when someone has a consumed a substance causing illness or death when eaten, drunk, or absorbed even in relatively small quantities.
  • wound : an injury of some type, either physical or mental; usually physical.
  • first aider : a person with specialized training who is the first to arrive and provide assistance at the scene of an emergency, such as an accident, natural disaster, or terrorist attack.
  • fire extinguisher : equipment used to put off fire during initial stage.
  • spillage : the uncontrolled release of a hazardous chemical, either as a solid, liquid or a gas.
  • ert : a specialist personnel, appointed to attend specific incidents, to contain, control or eliminate the emergency using emergency response equipment.
  • evacuation : action to leave empty/vacate the working area during emergency.
  • assembly point : a location designated as the place for a group to meet or for people to gather in an emergency.