Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Crossword Puzzle

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Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Crossword Puzzle

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  • religion : harassment based on something one believes in and follows faithfully
  • bullying : repeated intentional aggressive behavior
  • verbal : type of bullying that may include name calling or hurtful words
  • mean : purposefully doing something to hurt someone
  • cyber bullying : bullying that involves technology
  • written : intimidation can be _ on paper
  • bystander : someone who does nothing or joins into bullying
  • rude : something done without intention that hurts someone else
  • physical : type of bullying that can involve pushing or shoving
  • race : harassment based on a group of people related by common heredity
  • social : type of bullying that may include spreading rumors
  • spoken : verbal form of intimidating