Burn Safety Crossword Puzzle

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Burn Safety Crossword Puzzle

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  • candle : never fall asleep with a lit _ .
  • below : bath water should be _ 100f.
  • scald : a _ is caused by very hot liquid or steam.
  • escape : plan a home fire _ plan and review with your children.
  • chemicals : primary causes of burn injuries are from fire-flame, scalds, electrical and _ .
  • back : turn pot handles towards the _ of the stove when small children are around.
  • electrical : inspect your home for hidden _ hazards.
  • short : wear _ or tight-fitting sleeves when cooking.
  • cool : treat a burn right away with _ water for 3-5 minutes, cover with clean cloth, and get medical help if needed.
  • soups : prepackaged microwavable _ are a frequent cause of scalding injuries because they can tip over easily.
  • burns : most fire-related injuries are _ .
  • tablecloths : never use _ with children, as they can pull them off and pour hot food items onto them.
  • before : allow microwaved food to cool _ eating.
  • filter : clothes dryers accounted for many home fires -- remember to always clean the _ .
  • clutter : hoarding behavior or _ can block doors and windows, making escape or rescue difficult.
  • smoke : test your _ alarms at least once a month.
  • inspected : have heating equipment and chimneys cleaned and _ every year.
  • liquids : keep hot _ away from children.
  • cooking : 47% of fires are caused by _ .
  • microwave : if a fire occurs inside your _ , keep door shut and turn it off.