Cleaning and Sanitizing Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: clean: free of food and other dirt from surface, water hardness: can cause scale or lime deposits to build up, detergents: contain surfactants, degreasers: contains grease-dissolving agent, delimer: used to remove deposits in dishwashing machines and steam tables, abrasive cleaners: can scratch surfaces, sanitizing: reduces pathogens on a surface to safe levels, heat sanitizing: 171 f for 30 seconds, concentration: the amount of sanitizer for a given amount of water, chlorine: 50-90 ppm water temp greater than or equal to 100 degrees f, iodine: 12.5-25 ppm water temp 68 degrees f, air-dry: last step of cleaning and sanitizing a surface, curbed floor drain: correct place to dispose of dirty mop water.