Laboratory Safety and Tools Crossword Puzzle

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Laboratory Safety and Tools Crossword Puzzle

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  • fire extinguisher : a device to put out small fires quickly.
  • safety shower : used in an emergency to rinse off chemicals quickly.
  • ergonomics : the practice of proper body mechanics when lifting and working.
  • microscope : a tool that makes tiny things look much bigger.
  • safety data sheet : document that provides information on a chemical such as manufacturer's info, storage, and handling.
  • pipette : a device to measure liquids carefully.
  • eye wash station : emergency equipment to rinse your eyes if something gets in them.
  • fume hood : a device that removes harmful fumes from the lab.
  • lab coat : a protective barrier worn during lab work to keep clothes safe
  • first aid kit : a box with medical supplies for treating minor injuries.
  • thermometer : a device to measure temperature in degrees celsius or fahrenheit.
  • face shield : barrier designed to protect your mouth and eyes
  • infection prevention : processes used to prevent infection and other serious illness.
  • risk assessment : used to analyze the associated hazards and risks of a task.
  • gloves : protects your hands while handling patient specimens
  • sharps : must be disposed of in a hard-sided, puncture proof container.
  • hazard : anything with potential to cause harm or injury
  • biological safety cabinet : equipment used for the preparation of potentially infectious samples in microbiology.