Texting While Driving Crossword Puzzle

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  • forty : how many participants were involved in this study?
  • four : how many years of driving experience did the participants have in this study?
  • inattention blindness : "drivers conversing on a cell phone show signs of _ _ , processing up to 50% less of the information in their environment."
  • negatively : activities of retrieving and sending text messages _ affected driving performance.
  • eighty six : in this study, what percentage of crashes occurred in the dual-task condition?
  • all : _ participants in this study responded that they would likely read a text while driving a vehicle.
  • dual task : term in this study that required an individual to perform two tasks simultaneously.
  • three : in the study, each driving participant was tested in how many conditions?
  • seven : how many collisions did the experimenters observe in their study?
  • simulated : this study used _ driving to establish the impact of text messaging on driving performance and safety.
  • friend dyads : term that refers to participants' friends who have known each other for more than 1 year.
  • increased : participants who were texting while driving _ the following distance to the lead vehicle.
  • t9 : entry system that allows users to enter text about twice as fast; predictive text entry system (use abbreviation).