Fraud Prevention Crossword Puzzle
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- trust : what we jeopardize losing from our members if we don't safeguard their assets from fraud
- employees : the first line of defense against fraud
- email : the most common method of contact fraudsters used in 2023
- identity theft : type of fraud that occurs when an individual's information is stolen and used without their consent
- card skimming : when a physical device is installed on a merchant's card reader to steal card information
- imposters : most reported category of fraud in 2023
- smishing : type of phishing that uses sms messages
- security word: what could we suggest for a member who is worried about someone calling in on their account
- account takeover: type of fraud that a fraudster gains unauthorized access to a members account by stealing their login credentials
- card not present : unauthorized transactions occur when neither the cardholder or credit/debit card are present