Corrosion and Safety Wire Crossword Puzzle
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- exfoliation: corrosion is an extreme form of intergranular corrosion along the grain boundaries. the strength of the metal is destroyed due to separation or poor bonding
- insulating: materials includes plastic, rubber, glass, ceramics, air (vacuum), or oil
- intergranular: corrosion is corrosion that forms within the metal along metal grain structures
- shear: wire used on switch handles, guards covering handles used as exits, fire extinguishers
- thirty: _ two-inch safety wire is a general- purpose safety wire used mostly for securing equipment fasteners
- galvanic: corrosion occurs when different metals are in contact with each other in the presence of an electrolyte
- twenty: inch safety wire on electrical connectors and small screws
- coaxial: one center wire surrounded by a metallic braided shield
- pitting: corrosion is a severe form of concentrated cell corrosion localized in a specific area containing pits usually accompanied by white or gray powder
- conductors: in electrical applications includes materials made of copper and aluminum