National Safety Month Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: slow: take it _ in adverse weather to help maintain better balance, walkways: never place obstructions in _ , report: i should _ all falls even if i am not hurt, clear: stairways should always be kept _ , resistant: slip- _ boots should be worn at all times, penguin: walk like this animal whenever the ground is slick from snow or ice, step: never _ on pallets at the risk of falling through, housekeeping: _ is the best practice to maintain a clean environment and prevent injuries, awareness: situational _ is a key practice when it comes to preventing slip, trip, and fall injuries, handrail: always hold the _ when walking up or down rolling stairs or stairways, care: take _ , think before you do, responsibility: take personal _ for your role in preventing accidents, slippery: _ surfaces should be cleaned immediately, ice melt: throw down _ _ whenever snow or ice are present on walkways outside. (two words), three: _ points of contact should be used whenever mounting or dismounting a truck or pit, spill: if you see a _ you should clean it up immediately because the next person may not see it and could slip.