Fire Procedures and Precautions Crossword Puzzle

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Fire Procedures and Precautions Crossword Puzzle

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  • oxygen: an ingredient that causes fire.
  • friction: a cause of heat build up on a yard.
  • paint: a flammable liquid.
  • tractor: a type of vehicle that can give off a spark.
  • gangways: which are of the yard do you need to keep clear to ensure access to escape routes?
  • downwind: where should a muck heap be located in relation to a yard?
  • pallets: bales of hay/straw can be stored on these to increase air flow.
  • annually: how often should electrical items be tested?
  • overnight: when should electrical tack room heaters be turned off?
  • alarm: what needs to be raised if a fire starts on a yard?
  • fuel: to extinguish a fire which ingredient could be removed.
  • cream: colour of the label on a foam fire extinguisher.
  • black: colour of the label on a foam fire extinguisher.
  • blue: colour of the label on a powder fire extinguisher.
  • hose: a piece of fire fighting equipment.
  • water: which extinguisher could you use if paper bedding was on fire.