Safety Week Crossword Puzzle

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Safety Week Crossword Puzzle

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  • employer: one of the responsibilities of an _ is to protect their own health & safety.
  • equipment: one of the responsibilities of an employer is to provide safe _ .
  • trip: objects and obstacles in hallways and thoroughfares in general are serious _ hazards and can lead to serious injuries.
  • cooperate: an employee has a legal duty to _ with an employer regarding whs matters.
  • knees: always lift items from the _ (not back) and hold item close to our chest when carrying them.
  • incident: one of the steps to manage work health and safety risks is to _ hazards.
  • accountability: the one person who has ultimate responsibility has _
  • corrosive: a chemical that may range from minor irritation to burn . including acid base
  • document: writing down information
  • emergency: incident caused by accident
  • employee: similar meaning to worker
  • fall protection: a system or device used to prevent individuals from falls
  • hazard: source with potential to cause injury or ill health
  • investigation: to search out and examine a particular situation to learn facts
  • participation: involvement in goings on
  • policy: intentions and directions of an organization
  • record: documented evidence
  • risk: the chance of probability that a person will be hurt
  • toxic material: substance that may cause injury or illness to an individual
  • visitor: a person who is not a worker but is in the building temporarily