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Safety & Prevention Crossword Puzzles
Free printable safety crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
do not lie _ on the ground, if you hear _ you are close enough to be struck by lightning, find shelter in a building or a _ , lightning storms are …
how many participants were involved in this study?, how many years of driving experience did the participants have in this study?, "drivers …
free of food and other dirt from surface, can cause scale or lime deposits to build up, contain surfactants, contains grease-dissolving agent, used to …
never fall asleep with a lit _ , bath water should be _ 100f, a _ is caused by very hot liquid or steam, plan a home fire _ plan and review with your …
what is the highest point of a wave called, purple flag means that these stinging organisms might be out to say hello, what is the lowest point of a …
reports often made by a single person without evidence or verification, marine animal whose sighting requires immediate water clearance, important …
objects and obstacles in hallways and thoroughfares in general are serious _ hazards and can lead to serious injuries, whs involves the assessment and …
giving your baby this for sleep can reduce the risk of sids, _ who cares for your baby should know how to reduce the risk for sleep-related death, …
this type of malware propagates by embedding a copy of itself into another program, this malware prevents access to the infected computer system or …
spot the _ -- look for these whenever you're in the water, don't underestimate the _ of water!!, during pool events, always check pool first if a …
the best way to protect yourself from infection (2 words), you should cough or sneeze into this, a needle with an inactive form of virus that's given …
happens when you lose fluid, need every 15 mins, when the body is overwhelmed by heat, 2 degrees increase in body temp, 5 degrees increase in body …
ensure that the height of the bed should be placed at the _ level, a score of more than 50 is _ fall risk, a score of 25 - 49 is _ fall risk, …
ask yourself these types of questions to identify unsafe conditions, long hair should be tightly secured in a _ , used to put out a fire. has ratings …
grow in pairs cause pneumonia, puss forming organisms which grow in chains, body's ability to resist invasion and destroy bacteria once they have …
used to protect clothing during an investigation, used to protect hands during an investigation, used to measure mass, used to protect eyes during an …
the feeling that people get when they really want or need something, a barrier that gets in the way and prevents you from achieving your goals, …
acronym for what to do in the event of a fire, acronym for how to use a fire extinguisher, information provided by chemical manufacturers about each …
caregivers often face emotional challenges in their role, and it is essential to prioritize their emotional _ , understand dosage instructions, …
number of employees opening vault, safe deposit owner needs always use it when accessing their safe deposit box, procedures followed in case decision …
install anti-virus software on your device and keep them u _ , set strong p _ , never s _ your passwords with others, never share your credit card …
used to rest the chainsaw on wood as you are cutting to prevent kickback, reduces engine noise, recommended by osha to limit ergonomic stress to the …
avoid at least 5 hrs prior to bedtime, a side affect of fatigue, do this regularly but not too close to bed time, eat this way throughout your shift _ …
used to track routine maintenance and service, purchasing discount available when joining a gpo (group purchasing organization), the point when the …
management system that ensures food safety, a substance that causes an allergic reaction, the practice or principles of keeping yourself clean, a …
report accidents to your teacher, no matter how _ they may seem, this kind of glassware is dangerous to use because it has stress points where the …
a place with many trees and animals, firefighters use them on the water to spray water onto another boat to put out the fire, something with wings …
an ingredient that causes fire, a cause of heat build up on a yard, a flammable liquid, a type of vehicle that can give off a spark, which are of the …
often impedes a disinfectants efficacy, should never be mixed with a halogen, destroys most disease-producing organisms, class of disinfectant that …
a coastal flood or tsunami-like phenomenon of rising water commonly associated with low-pressure weather systems, such as cyclones, a violent …