Community Safety Crossword Puzzle

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Community Safety Crossword Puzzle

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  • paramedic: someone who gives emergency medical treatment outside the hospital
  • empathy: the ability to understand how another person is feeling
  • resolution: an answer or solution to a problem
  • violence: using words or actions to hurt another person
  • compromise: reaching an agreement where each person gives up something they want
  • conflict: a strong disagreement
  • bullying: unwanted, repeated behavior such as attacking someone physically or verbally, spreading rumors, exclusion, or threats
  • upstander: someone who watches or hears bullying behavior and takes a stand against it with their words or actions
  • bystander: someone who watches or hears bullying behavior but does not speak up or try to intervene
  • rabies: a serious disease caused by a virus; usually spread by a bite from a rabid animal