Fire Drill Review Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: extinguisher : this may be used to put out a contained fire before it spreads. hint, race : this acronym is to help staff remember what steps to take if they notice a fire. can you recall what each letter stands for?, pass : this acronym is to help staff remember the steps to follow for operation of a fire extinguisher. can you recall what each letter stands for?, monthly : how often the clinic should print an updated list of patient & staff emergency contact information, oxygen : any machines or tanks supplying this substance must be turned off if a fire is suspected, ambulatory : this is a term for patients who can safely walk on their own and should be evacuated first in an emergency, fire doors : these are designated by a red label, and should remain closed at all times to prevent the spread of flames, dumpsters : if the clinic must be evacuated, our safe meeting place is the fence that surrounds these, firewall : this barrier is equipped to help keep flames at bay for up to one hour. can you locate ours?, restrooms : these must be checked during an emergency to ensure there are no patients trapped inside, schedule : this daily printed resource should be reviewed in an emergency to ensure all patients and staff are accounted for, evacuation plan : this facility-specific guide shows the locations of our fire alarms, extinguishers, and escape routes.