Driving and Walking in Winter Crossword Puzzle

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Driving and Walking in Winter Crossword Puzzle

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  • penguin : when walking in ice and snow, to keep from slipping you should walk like a _ . (hint: this animal is sometimes found in antarctica)
  • decrease: do this to your speed while driving in icy/snowy conditions (opposite of increase)
  • snow: this fluffy white stuff falls from the sky in winter
  • snowplow: this vehicle clears snow from the streets. keep a safe distance from them when driving to avoid an accident.
  • hat: did you know you about 10% of body heat is lost through the head? wearing one of these can help keep your body temperatures regulated and your ears from frostbite
  • frostbite: this condition occurs when the tissue below the skin freezes. it most often occurs on the nose, ears, fingers and toes when exposed to extreme cold temperatures.
  • shoveling: this activity keeps the sidewalks clear of snow
  • salt: spread _ to keep the sidewalk from getting icy