Science Crossword Puzzles

Free printable science crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 1021-1050 of 1271 records

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Light Reflection & Vision crossword puzzle
Light Reflection & Vision

comes from things like the sun, light bulbs and candles. it bounces off of things and allows us to see, curved mirrors that allow us to see a wider …

Microscopy crossword puzzle

the type of electron microscope that uses a broad beam, a device used to see things that cannot be seen with the naked eye, the type of lens used in …

Hydrocarbons crossword puzzle

a saturated hydrocarbon with a general formula cnh2n, a group of similar compounds sharing a common general formula, the fourth alkane, the third …

Excretory System crossword puzzle
Excretory System

principal organ of excretion, tube that leaves the bladder, blood cells and _ are not filterable, 99% of this is reabsorbed back into the blood, …

From DNA to Protein crossword puzzle
From DNA to Protein

the specific type of rna that carries the info from the nucleus to the cytoplasm is called: _ rna, the message within the dna code will result in the …

Chemical Bonds & Equations crossword puzzle
Chemical Bonds & Equations

represents oxidation # or how many electrons has been gained or lost, new substance produced (on the right side of arrow), reaction in which 1 element …

Bone Information crossword puzzle
Bone Information

what are your ears and nose made of?, what is the title of the person who takes images?, how many bones are in your hand?, what do your bones help …

Building Blocks of Matter crossword puzzle
Building Blocks of Matter

h, has a minus charge, two or more atoms chemically combined, substances of which matter is composed, indivisible (smallest that still retains …

Triple Points crossword puzzle
Triple Points

_ is found below the triple point, a _ is compressible, and is in fast, random motion, when a vapor becomes a solid, this is called _ , in a _ , …

Gene Therapy crossword puzzle
Gene Therapy

medical technique involving the modification of genes to treat or prevent disease, stem cells that exist in the body after embryonic development, type …

Musculoskeletal System crossword puzzle
Musculoskeletal System

largest bone in the leg, excessive uric acid, anchor muscles to bones, brittle bones, kneecap, bone forming cells, finger and toe bones, repair of a …

Principles of Cellular Phyisiology crossword puzzle
Principles of Cellular Phyisiology

cardiac, skeletal, and smooth are types of _ tissue that are involved in contraction, central and peripheral are types of _ tissue that are involved …

Chemistry Lab Equipment crossword puzzle
Chemistry Lab Equipment

used to measure mass of an object, used to grab hot beakers, test tubes, and other equipment, measures precise liquid (2 words), protects your eyes (2 …

the Cardiovascular Sytem crossword puzzle
the Cardiovascular Sytem

left ventricular pressure _ during systole, this type of blood vessels carries blood back to the heart, these monitor blood volume and pressure inside …

Biology - Organisms crossword puzzle
Biology - Organisms

multi-cellular animal organisms, move with the aid of a flagella, acquires food by ingestion, multi-cellular plant organism, all organelles are …

Our Solar System and Beyond crossword puzzle
Our Solar System and Beyond

a galaxy shaped like a large, flat disk with spiral arms containing bright young stars is called a _ galaxy, an enormous group of stars, a spiral …

Formation of the Elements crossword puzzle
Formation of the Elements

these types of elements are made in high mass stars that require more energy, higher temperatures, and during a explosion of a supernova, all space, …

Viruses, Bacteria, Protist, and Fungi crossword puzzle
Viruses, Bacteria, Protist, and Fungi

a slipper shaped protozoan that uses cilia to move and to collect food is the _ , unicellular yeast cells undergo a form of asexual reproduction …

Water Science crossword puzzle
Water Science

a slowly moving mass or river of ice formed by the accumulation and compaction of snow on mountains or near the poles, a nearly in-compressible fluid …

Dna Structure, Function, and Replication crossword puzzle
Dna Structure, Function, and Replication

what is composed of 2 carbon rings?, according to chargaff's rule adenine pairs with what nitrogen base? it is only found in dna, a compound only …

Great Body Shop: Cells crossword puzzle
Great Body Shop: Cells

power plants in the cell that burn nutrients and oxygen to give the cell energy, bodies in the cytoplasm that make protein, cell division, different …

Electrostatics crossword puzzle

the principle stating that the total electric flux through a closed surface is proportional to the charge enclosed, the force between two-point …

New Battery Technology crossword puzzle
New Battery Technology

a device that stores chemical energy and converts it to electrical energy, the negative terminal of a battery where electrons flow out, the positive …

Enzymes and Biomolecules crossword puzzle
Enzymes and Biomolecules

the enzyme that breaks down starch, a chemical used to make lipid, the molecules that can fit into an enzyme and gets broken down, a small molecule …

Physical & Chemical Oceanography crossword puzzle
Physical & Chemical Oceanography

tide occurring once per day, rise and fall of ocean at the shore, contains inter-tidal zone, largest tidal range during the month, salinity level over …

Digestive System Terms crossword puzzle
Digestive System Terms

the small sac-shaped organ beneath the liver, in which bile is stored after secretion by the liver and before release into the intestine, a large …

Pediatric Dentistry crossword puzzle
Pediatric Dentistry

removal of a tooth from the socket, displacement of a tooth from its socket as a result of injury, measure of the level of intellectual capacity and …

Biology - Worms crossword puzzle
Biology - Worms

blood sucking annelids, organism with both male and female organs, stores an earthworm's food, tube-like structure in flatworms for gathering food, …

Lifes Structure & Function crossword puzzle
Life's Structure & Function

green, chlorophyll containing organelle, vesicles release contents outside the cell, organelle that releases energy, passive transport when water …

Patterns on Earth crossword puzzle
Patterns on Earth

it is currently spring in the northern hemisphere. what season will come next in the southern hemisphere?, how many hours are between high tides?, how …