Health & Fitness Crossword Puzzles

Free printable health-and-fitness crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 451-480 of 587 records

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Radiography in Surgery crossword puzzle
Radiography in Surgery

special surgical _ must be worn in a surgical suite, a _ is placed over the portion of the c-arm that will be over the patient during a surgery …

Heat Effects on Body crossword puzzle
Heat Effects on Body

increase in heart rate during prolonged exercise in the heat, redistribution of blood flow around the body to essential areas, essential minerals that …

Gene Regulation crossword puzzle
Gene Regulation

a loosely packed group of dna that is active, a protein that regulates transcription in almost all eukaryotes, a protein that removes introns out of …

Recreation Activities crossword puzzle
Recreation Activities

going away from your home for fun, a mode of transportation that holland is known for, the thing that you are doing an writing on right now, something …

Foreign Body Prevention crossword puzzle
Foreign Body Prevention

the equipment checked on regular basis to prevent large hard particles falling through, when glass breakage happens in production, isolate the area …

Borderline Personality Disorder crossword puzzle
Borderline Personality Disorder

people who struggle with bpd may make _ choices, bpd is a mental illness with one of the highest _ rates, the severity, frequency, and duration of _ …

Common Non-Communicable Diseases crossword puzzle
Common Non-Communicable Diseases

cancer of the blood or bone marrow; abnormal production of blood cells, death of the heart muscle due to lack of blood flow to heart, chronic …

Components of Physical Fitness crossword puzzle
Components of Physical Fitness

ability of the muscles to function effectively and efficiently without undue fatigue, ability of the joints and muscle to move through in full range …

Nutrition Review crossword puzzle
Nutrition Review

an iron deficiency can lead to this disease, substances that your body needs in order to grow and stay healthy, vitamins a, d, e, and k, foods …

Infections During Pregnancy crossword puzzle
Infections During Pregnancy

infants infected with hepatitis b are at risk of developing which organ cancer later in life?, an antiviral medication that combats hepatitis b …

Acquired Heart Disease crossword puzzle
Acquired Heart Disease

acquired heart disease easily seen on xray, least common cmo in children, abnormal and disorganized arrangement of myocardial cells, inflammatory …

Physical Activity Guidelines crossword puzzle
Physical Activity Guidelines

increasing your daily step count helps decrease your risk for _ disease. for every 2,000 daily steps increase there is an 8% reduction in this …

Nutrition Project crossword puzzle
Nutrition Project

made up of building blocks called amino acids, food and drinks that we regularly eat, substance that your body needs in small amounts, makes up 60% of …

Skin and Wounds crossword puzzle
Skin and Wounds

hemorrhage, dehiscence, evisceration, fistula, bacteria count >100,000, abrasion, laceration, surgical incision, puncture wound, highest risk …

Rehabilitation crossword puzzle

care managed to help restore a client to highest level of functioning, a person who teaches clients exercises to help strengthen muscles and heart, …

Nutrition Unit Review crossword puzzle
Nutrition Unit Review

a lack or shortage, a person who does not eat or use animal products, any of a class of organic compounds that are fatty acids or their derivatives …

Health and Competitions crossword puzzle
Health and Competitions

a person, team, etc. that has won a competition, especially in a sport, to help or encourage somebody/something by saying or showing that you agree …

Infectious Diseases crossword puzzle
Infectious Diseases

substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies to fight viruses, exercise, sleep, eating healthy, managing stress, no smoking or drugs, …

Communicable Diseases crossword puzzle
Communicable Diseases

historically devastating disease eradicated by a successful global vaccination campaign, this disease, carried by anopheles mosquitoes, was once …

Sanitation & Disease Control crossword puzzle
Sanitation & Disease Control

often impedes a disinfectants efficacy, should never be mixed with a halogen, destroys most disease-producing organisms, class of disinfectant that …

Circulation & Immunity crossword puzzle
Circulation & Immunity

process in which a liquid is heated to a temperature that kills most bacteria, a group of similar cells that work together to do one job, substance …

Non-Communicable Diseases and Smoking crossword puzzle
Non-Communicable Diseases and Smoking

chemical found in cigarettes, respiratory organ affected by smoking, smoke inhaled by non-smokers, substance that causes cancer in cigarettes, chronic …

Nutrients and their Function crossword puzzle
Nutrients and their Function

heat and energy. satisfy hunger. transport fat soluble vitamins, growth (build new cells) and repair and energy, the scientific study of our …

Bone Marrow Exam crossword puzzle
Bone Marrow Exam

stain used to detect iron stores in the bone marrow, best spot for a bone marrow collection in adults and children; short, term used to describe bone …

Infection crossword puzzle

person who harbors an infectious agent without signs and symptoms of active disease, protective vascular reaction that involves a cascade of …

Nutrition Month Quiz crossword puzzle
Nutrition Month Quiz

dietary _ is one of the nutrients we all should get more of in our diet, _ per container is the total number of servings in the package, serving _ is …

Ancient Greek and Arab Medicine crossword puzzle
Ancient Greek and Arab Medicine

humor of blood, greeks used to draw out excess blood and bring down temperatures, humor of water, brain, and rationality, ultimate source of arab …

Nutrition Related Health Issues crossword puzzle
Nutrition Related Health Issues

is a risk of being underweight, type 2 _ is a serious health consequences of being overweight, a legume, a waxy fat like substance which is why we …

Supplements crossword puzzle

a mineral commonly found in dairy products, a mineral used for anaemia, the leaf extract is used for improving cognitive function, live microorganisms …

Dental Awareness crossword puzzle
Dental Awareness

to form one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, two words: a dentist who has received postgraduate training in one of the …