Terms of Illness Crossword Puzzle

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Terms of Illness Crossword Puzzle

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  • conjunctivitis: inflammation of the membrane covering the eye
  • oculonasal: pertaining to the eyes and nose
  • tartar: a scaly plaque that sticks to the animals teeth
  • halitosis: offensive breath
  • gingivitis: inflammation of the gums
  • pharyngitis: the medical term for a sore throat
  • arthritis: inflammation of the joints
  • sprain: damage to a ligament
  • fracture: broken bone
  • alopecia: hair loss
  • cyst: fluid filled growth/ lump on the animal's body
  • haematoma: a blood filled swelling on the animal's body
  • colic: abdominal pain
  • hepatitis: inflammation of the liver
  • diarrhoea: loose, watery faeces
  • obese: very overweight
  • leukaemia: a type of cancer that affects the white blood cells
  • anaemia: low red blood cell count or low haemoglobin in the red blood cells
  • pneumonia: fluid in the lungs
  • metritis: inflammation of the unterus
  • balanitis: inflammation of the male genitalia
  • mastitis: inflammation of the mammary glands
  • haematuria: blood in the urine