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Health & Fitness Crossword Puzzles
Free printable health-and-fitness crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
eating beans will help in trying to lose this, a type of bean that comes in two variety, beans help to reduce this type of cancer, beans can be added …
this organ is located about your mouth, the tip of the nose, the black dot in iris, the openings in the nose, i can _ with my nose, you used your eyes …
a lifestyle risk factor for type 2 diabetes associated with weight, excessive thirst, as _ _ _ increases, the risk of diabetes also increases, …
watery first milk that quenches thirst, type of suck with fluttery or choppy jaw motion resulting in little or no milk flow, type of nipple raised in …
the sugar we use for energy, the nutrient we use for muscle growth and repair, the scientific name for fats, lots of glucose molecules stuck together, …
this group is made up of cows milk products, apples and bananas are in this food group, it can rot your teeth, bread and pasta are in this food group, …
melty, italian pizza protein, species include atlantic, chinook, and pink, fabergé _ . (hint: jewelled, russian ornament.), indian staple legumes, …
an allergen not visible to the naked eye, synonym of annoyance, the person affected by the allergy, a buzzing insect allergen, something to take into …
excessive daytime sleepiness or prolonged nighttime sleep, difficult sleeping, staying asleep, or getting good rest, irresistible attacks of …
measured in amniotic fluid to determine severity of hdfn, used to determine fetal kidney function and urine production, caused by an abo …
a system of physical conditioning involving exercises. strenuously performed so as to cause marked temporary increase in respiration and heart rate, …
are long ridges that run either lengthwise or across the nail, is a term applicable to chronic inflammation of the nail fold and nail, a vertical …
socio-economic factor affecting health (6 letters), type of area often linked with health inequalities, rather than the town (5 letters), systematic, …
the process by which white blood cells engulf and digest invading pathogens, a type of white blood cell that produces antibodies in response to an …
to bear all or part of the weight, moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity, having no or insufficient …
about 80% of cervical cancers are caused by this virus, biological term for multicellular animals, a group of organisms believed to have evolved from …
antibody that binds to allergens and activates mast cells, a life-threatening allergic reaction that requires immediate medical attention, exaggerated …
blister containing serous fluid, larger than 1 centimetre, deep inflammatory condition, staph or strep infection, the most common superficial fungal …
pink color of cells that correlates to hemoglobin production, another term for aerobic glycolysis that is used in nucleated cells for energy, state of …
have a strong desire for something, the condition of having lost one's sense of direction, uncertainty about what is happening, light in colour or …
management system that ensures food safety, a substance that causes an allergic reaction, the practice or principles of keeping yourself clean, a …
temperature of the water in which dentures must be stored so that they do not dry out, a substance that accumulates on the teeth from food and …
a substance that induces insensitivity to pain, a thin, translucent fabric with a loose open weave, the action of breathing in, holds anesthetic gases …
better source of fiber and nutrients than white, can be grated right on salads, 7 grams of fiber versus fresh grapes with 1 gram of fiber, amount (%) …
anti-anxiety medication can _ you, body temperature _ cyclically over a 24-hour period, the _ of this drug pales in comparison to other stimulants, …
liquid food in the stomach, covers the windpipe when eating to avoid choking, the type of acid present in the stomach, made in liver and stored in …
spread by direct contact with another animal or human, disease spread by droplets from coughing or sneezing, such as influenza. can be through direct …
after this is removed on iv tubing, an alcohol prep must be used to cleanse the accessible port on the tubing (answer is also a name of a clothing …
a human organ where faeces pass out, more commonly known as sugar, the type of nutrient that provide energy for our body, a muscular pipe that links …
study of food, grouping similar things together, what diseases occur when the body lacks particular nutrients, need by large amounts by the body, the …