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Health & Fitness Crossword Puzzles
Free printable health-and-fitness crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
going away from your home for fun, a mode of transportation that holland is known for, the thing that you are doing an writing on right now, something …
the equipment checked on regular basis to prevent large hard particles falling through, when glass breakage happens in production, isolate the area …
greek for lack of blood, illness caused by eating gluten, damages your small intestines lining and prevents it from absorbing nutrients, typically …
people who struggle with bpd may make _ choices, bpd is a mental illness with one of the highest _ rates, the severity, frequency, and duration of _ …
cancer of the blood or bone marrow; abnormal production of blood cells, death of the heart muscle due to lack of blood flow to heart, chronic …
ability of the muscles to function effectively and efficiently without undue fatigue, ability of the joints and muscle to move through in full range …
an iron deficiency can lead to this disease, substances that your body needs in order to grow and stay healthy, vitamins a, d, e, and k, foods …
infants infected with hepatitis b are at risk of developing which organ cancer later in life?, an antiviral medication that combats hepatitis b …
acquired heart disease easily seen on xray, least common cmo in children, abnormal and disorganized arrangement of myocardial cells, inflammatory …
increasing your daily step count helps decrease your risk for _ disease. for every 2,000 daily steps increase there is an 8% reduction in this …
when a small needle - like particles enter into the body, an injury caused by exposure to heat of flame, an injury which appears as a purple mark on …
made up of building blocks called amino acids, food and drinks that we regularly eat, substance that your body needs in small amounts, makes up 60% of …
hemorrhage, dehiscence, evisceration, fistula, bacteria count >100,000, abrasion, laceration, surgical incision, puncture wound, highest risk …
care managed to help restore a client to highest level of functioning, a person who teaches clients exercises to help strengthen muscles and heart, …
a lack or shortage, a person who does not eat or use animal products, any of a class of organic compounds that are fatty acids or their derivatives …
a person, team, etc. that has won a competition, especially in a sport, to help or encourage somebody/something by saying or showing that you agree …
substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies to fight viruses, exercise, sleep, eating healthy, managing stress, no smoking or drugs, …
historically devastating disease eradicated by a successful global vaccination campaign, this disease, carried by anopheles mosquitoes, was once …
give one symptoms for tuberculosis, it is a secondary stage in syphilis, swelling of this area is a sign and symptom of gonorrhea in men, skin …
often impedes a disinfectants efficacy, should never be mixed with a halogen, destroys most disease-producing organisms, class of disinfectant that …
process in which a liquid is heated to a temperature that kills most bacteria, a group of similar cells that work together to do one job, substance …
chemical found in cigarettes, respiratory organ affected by smoking, smoke inhaled by non-smokers, substance that causes cancer in cigarettes, chronic …
heat and energy. satisfy hunger. transport fat soluble vitamins, growth (build new cells) and repair and energy, the scientific study of our …
stain used to detect iron stores in the bone marrow, best spot for a bone marrow collection in adults and children; short, term used to describe bone …
person who harbors an infectious agent without signs and symptoms of active disease, protective vascular reaction that involves a cascade of …
dietary _ is one of the nutrients we all should get more of in our diet, _ per container is the total number of servings in the package, serving _ is …
humor of blood, greeks used to draw out excess blood and bring down temperatures, humor of water, brain, and rationality, ultimate source of arab …
is a risk of being underweight, type 2 _ is a serious health consequences of being overweight, a legume, a waxy fat like substance which is why we …
the institute of medicine in the us reports that _ percent of patients who undergo surgery experience post operative pain, in the us, the prevalence …
a mineral commonly found in dairy products, a mineral used for anaemia, the leaf extract is used for improving cognitive function, live microorganisms …