Nursing Theory & Theorists Crossword Puzzle

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Nursing Theory & Theorists Crossword Puzzle

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  • middle range : connects grand theories with nursing practice
  • orlando : she is the mind behind the "nursing process theory."
  • sister callistaroy : theorist who created a adaptation and coping theory
  • patricia benner : who described about 5 levels of nursing experience from novice to expert?
  • integrality : according to rogers' theory "continuous and mutual interaction between man and environment' is termed as
  • theory : a set of interrelated concepts that provides a systematic view of a phenomenon
  • lydia hall : who explained about "care, cure and core as three independent but interconnected circles of the nursing model"?
  • martha rogers : she formulated the "science of unitary human beings" theory.
  • pender : the health promotion model developed by _ . it defines health as a positive dynamic state rather than simply the absence of disease.
  • model : a graphic or symbolic representation of a phenomenon not directly observable, which allows the reader to visualize key constructs and their interrelationships
  • jean watson : "caring consists of curative factors that result in the satisfaction of certain human needs". this explanation was stated by
  • conceptual framework : organizational structure connecting concepts
  • meta paradigm : global concepts identifying a discipline’s phenomena of interest
  • environmental theory : rest, diet, and fresh air are part of which theory