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Materials, Tools and Equipment Crossword Puzzles
Free printable tools-equipment crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
tension members on the cable from the main cable to the deck of a suspension bridge, horizontal structures that hold a vertical weight while not …
used for marking on wood, for marking out angles that are 90 degrees to an edge, used to insert screws into wood, to scratch a line that is parallel …
a basic mechanical device that uses force to make work easier, a rigid bar that pivots on a fixed point (fulcrum) to lift or move loads, the fixed …
people wear these when it’s sunny to protect their eyes, you wear these on your feet to keep them warm, we keep water or milk or juice in this, …
the horizontal member forming the top of the frame, surrounds and supports the entire window system, which is comprised of the head, jamb, and sill, a …
metal framework with four legs that provides stability and support for the user to ambulate, a device that distills oxygen from ambient air by …
the lens of a light microscope that you look through, wheel on a microscope that you turn to make an image clear, the amount to which something is …
handsaw used to cut the wood across the grain, hand saw used to cut the wood along the grain, handsaw with a metal back and plywood and joinery, used …
the most common drill type, comes in a wide assortment of sizes, precision hole with a lower tolerance made by a boring tool, measuring tools that …
an instrument used to measure temperature, often used in cooking to ensure food is cooked to the correct temperature, a cooking appliance that uses …
mixing two metals together makes this, making a metal stronger by repeatedly heating and cooling it, the furnace where metal is heated, the process of …
knife used to apply material or scrape off, fastener with threads to secure something down, small hand tool with two adjustments, adjustable tool for …
a large container used to keep drinks cold, often made of plastic or metal with insulation, a device that converts electrical signals into sound …
fabric made using animal skin, man-made material from petrol/oil, green plant that grows naturally over the earth's surface, thick paper used for …
a container used for stirring, mixing, and heating liquids, a small, cylindrical glass container used for holding and heating substances, a small gas …
cleans eraser shavings off drawing, measures angles, draws arcs and circles, thin piece of metal used to protect a drawing during erasing, a guide for …
high pitched woodwind made of metal, woodwind made of many parts, a high pitched, valved brass instrument, the only instrument in the orchestra with a …
the force that is applied by the user of the lever system (muscle), an imaginary straight line around which something turns, a third class lever …
used for chopping, slicing, and dicing various ingredients, protects countertops and provides a stable surface for cutting and preparing food, …
a foam rubber cylinder that fits inside the conduit and is propelled by compressed air or vacuumed through to pull a light line, rope, or measuring …
in an automatic control system which of the following elements is not used ?, sensitivity of a closed loop system to variations in gain and load …
a portable power saw having teeth on a chain that rotates continuously, a small built structure made to keep gardening materials, a container with a …
a tool with a heavy metal head, used for jobs such as breaking things and driving in nails, a hand tool used in metal work to mark lines on …
measure small quantities of ingredients, provides low temperature, provides necessary heat in cooking food, central to all food operations which …
a fourth dcv position that allows free flow between an actuator’s a and b ports, a term to describe a low-pressure oil system used to actuated the …
initial state of a state machine, a diagram that shows the states and transitions in a state machine, an entity that controls the execution flow based …
occurs when a force causes an object to move in the direction of the force, a simple machine that consisting of a bar that pivots at a fixed point, an …
union or junction of surfaces, to have power over, a series of loops, a traveler in a public or private conveyance, a satisfying or enjoyable …
it is a measuring tool used to measure length, width and thickness of short flat object and in sketching straight lines, it is a measuring tool used …
a piece of metal that fits inside the horse's mouth that helps direct the horse, a light frame or ring that holds the foot of a rider, attached to the …