Durable Medical Equipment Crossword Puzzle

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Durable Medical Equipment Crossword Puzzle

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  • walker : metal framework with four legs that provides stability and support for the user to ambulate.
  • o2 concentrator : a device that distills oxygen from ambient air by selectively removing nitrogen to supply oxygen-enriched product gas steam to a patient.
  • glucometer : instrument used to measure concentration of certain sugars in the blood.
  • bedside commode : a portable toilet with a removable waste receptacle for a patient with limited physical activity and are too debilitated to reach the bathroom.
  • catheters : a tubular medical device inserted into canals, vessels, passageways, or body cavities to permit injection or withdrawal of fluids.
  • nebulizer : a drug delivering device used to administer medication in the form of a must inhaled into the lungs.
  • cpap : a pump that forces air into the nasal passages at pressure high enough to overcome obstructions in the airway and stimulate normal breathing.
  • hospital bed : specialized bed with special features to promote comfort and well being of a hospitalized individual.
  • prosthetic : device that replaces all or part of a section of the body, i.e. eyes, legs, and arms.
  • mechanical lift : medical devices used to safely move or transfer physical dependent or paralyzed patients from one place to the other, i.e. bed to chair
  • wheel chair : a means of locomotion for non-ambulatory individuals.
  • orthotics : a support, splint, or brace used to correct the function of movable parts of the body.
  • dme : any equipment that provides therapeutic benefits to a patient in need because of certain medical conditions and/or illnesses