Tools and Equipment Crossword Puzzle
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- carpenter: a person who makes and repairs wooden objects and structures.
- joiner: a person who constructs the wooden components of a building, such as stairs, doors, and door and window frame
- hammer:a hand tool consisting of a handle with a head of metal or other heavy rigid material that is attached at a right angle, used for striking or pounding.
- saw:a hand tool for cutting wood or other hard materials, typically with a long, thin serrated blade and operated using a backwards and forwards movement.
- chisel:a wedged hand tool with a characteristically shaped cutting edge on the end of its blade, for carving or cutting a hard material (e.g. wood, stone, or metal).
- clamp:a device made of wood or metal that is used to hold two things together tightly
- plane:a tool used to make wooden surfaces and edges flat and smooth by removing small strips of the wood
- workbench:a strong table for working on, especially one on which objects such as pieces of wood or metal can be firmly held so that tools can be used on them
- lathe:a machine for changing the shape of a piece of wood, metal, etc. that works by turning the material while a sharp tool is pressed against it
- jigsaw:a tool with an electric motor and a thin metal blade that is used for cutting curves in flat materials, such as wood or metal