Magnificent Minerals Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: sulfur : a soft mineral. it is yellow in color. when it is mixed with water, it smells unpleasant. it is used to make rubber and gunpowder, talc : a very soft mineral. it can be white, greenish, or gray. it can be ground to make talcum powder, which is used in makeup and baby powder, halite : a soft mineral. it is usually white, but it can also be other colors. it is also called rock salt. it contains the same chemicals as table salt, quartz : a hard mineral. it is the most common mineral on earth and can be found in many colors. it is used to make glass and electronics, azurite : a medium-hard mineral. it is deep blue and is used in jewelry. it can also be used to make dye for fabric and paint, diamond : the hardest mineral. they can be colorless or colored. they are used in jewelry, and they can also be used in hard tools such as drills and saws, fluorite : a medium-hard mineral. it can be many different colors. it contains fluorine, a chemical that is used in toothpaste, malachite : a medium-hard mineral. it is always green and sometimes has stripes. it can be used to make jewelry.