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Materials, Tools and Equipment Crossword Puzzles
Free printable tools-equipment crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
ppe that is mandatory to be worn while operating all the equipment, it's what cuts the wood, a device used to allow even pressure to the fence while …
a part of the machine that the material rests against to make the board perfectly 90 degrees, never cut this part of the wood because it will splitter …
allow air to pass through when drying wood, newly felled timber, a heated chamber, another name for air seasoning, what seasoning, doesn't shrink as …
should try to always paint which way, used to dye wood --changes the woods color, used to apply stain, allow 95% of liquid to go on to wood, used for …
what term describes the positive aspects of using alternative fuels in internal combustion engines?, what term relates to the distance a vehicle can …
a toolpath that creates a cavity in the horizontal surface of a workpiece, a point at which lines or pathways intersect; a central or connecting …
the horizontal member forming the top of the frame, surrounds and supports the entire window system, which is comprised of the head, jamb, and sill, a …
the temperature at which something boils, this is a good insulator, if i ask how hot something is, i am asking what the _ is, this word means 'let …
a soft mineral. it is yellow in color. when it is mixed with water, it smells unpleasant. it is used to make rubber and gunpowder, a very soft …
the given to the specialist paint finish used on aluminium windows, the name of the rubber materials fitted into extrusions in the aluminium profile …
this is used to drive screws with cross slot heads, its a kind of hammer use in tasks where you need to strike a surface without damaging it, its …
material used for smoothing wood, includes glass paper, natural method of seasoning timber. timber is stacked in-stick or pile' in open sided sheds, …
used to cool the engine coolant, generates the heat in an engine, circulates coolant around the system, maintains and regulates a constant …
a type of steer axle, rod used to limit tortional effects, _ beam suspension used in rough service tandem drive applications, another name for a …
a tool used to handle snakes safely, a set of straps fastened around an animal (usually a dog) where a lead can be attached, a strap that goes around …
a small slender usually steel instrument that has an eye for thread, something that makes a straight line, a string for sewing, something that cuts …
an instrument used to make length measurements, whereby a length is read from a series of markings called "rules" along an edge of the …
mixture of cement, water and aggregates, cement reacts chemically with water, possesses little or no cementitious value, affects the rate of …
used for digging soil, used for watering plants, used for crumbing the soil, used for cutting branches, leaves, and grasses, used for removing soil or …
chemical element widely used for diagnostic scintigraphy, directional technique used for radiography of premolars and molars, water and csf have long …
corrosion process that takes place when metal combines with oxygen and water, other name for rust, process used to protect metal objects, metal object …
block above the fault plane, block below the fault plane, the steep face of an exposed block, the plane that extends into the earth and along which …
a type of fastener that requires a nut, a fastener with a helical ridge, typically turned with a screwdriver, a small hexagonal fastener used with a …
material large board of drafting board set is made of?, there are 6 of these drilled along edge of drafting board, this part is 18 inches long, this …
what you use to cook with pots and pans, what you use to book or broil food, when using the oven you must do this before cooking, rings of heating, …
horizontal bars used in fences and gates to provide structure, the process of fusing 2 pieces of material together using heat, usually flat bar that …
it supports the microscope and houses the illuminator, it is used to carry the microscope, houses the objectives, where the specimen to be viewed is …
small handheld tool used to cut the thread in seams, used to help put the thread through the eye of the needle, length of twisted fibers used in many …
a liquid soap that is used for washing your hair, a piece of special flat glass that reflects images, so you can see yourself when you look in it, a …
alloy elements more than 4%, carbon content 0.25% - 0.60%, suitable for food and drink manufacturing products, 2%-4% carbon with used for casting …