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Kids and School Crossword Puzzles
Free printable kids crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
a dwarf with a cold, he fell off the wall, what could jack not eat, where did the old woman with all of her children live, has a glass slipper, had a …
having a strong desire for success, achievement, or distinction, showing concern, kindness, and consideration for the well-being of others, to be …
a device used to listen to music or news (5 letters), to make something larger or more visible (7 letters), a word meaning not asleep (5 letters), a …
points all in one plane are _ points. , a figured formed by two rays that have a common endpoint, two angles in a plane that have a common vertex and …
having the same measure, means similar, angles whose measures add up to be 180 are:, a geometric figure with one endpoint. it goes forever in one …
you wear this on your wrist, to get away, a game a bit like softball, used to draw with, a coloured arch in the sky, to help someone understand, 10 …
straight line or course, at a small price, no danger or injury, delicate; gently; tender; hushed, understanding, detailed attention, enthusiastically, …
a degree 3 polynomial, an expression with only one term, a degree 2 polynomial, an expression which consists of variables, coefficients, and …
important qualities or characteristics, a kingdom that would include plants, the tiniest living parts of a living thing, to make new living things, to …
in english, it means a long, high sea wave that can be caused by an earthquake, according to the cambridge dictionary, the exact english meaning of it …
what day is the first day of lent?, where was jesus crucified?, what does the communal bread represent?, how many days does lent last?, what friday …
shows action or state of being, start dependent clauses (that, who, whose, whom, which), contains an independent clause and a dependent clause, one …
a way to celebrate a birthday, what do you wear when you go trick or treat, munchkin could not stay out of, the person who teaches, what do you call a …
steepness of a line, always the same distance apart and will never meet, the point on the segment that determines two congruent segments, one of four …
someone who doesn't pay attention to details or safety, not afraid of anything; brave and courageous, goes on and on without stopping, doesn't think …
a ratio is in its simplest form or _ terms when the greatest common factor of the terms is 1, means "out of 100", a _ drawing is used to …
part of an addition or subtraction, part of a multiplication or division, symbol used for multiplication, number you can only divide by 1 and itself, …
for children too young for elementary school, establish beforehand, build again, reestablish on an improved basis, make ready or suitable or equip in …
makes a statement, asks a question, gives an order, shows strong emotion, expresses wishes, one independent clause, two independents, joined by comma …
the antonym of black, the opposite of true, the antonym crooked, the opposite of far, the antonym of best, the antonym of real, the opposite of alike, …
we go to church at 9 am, she puts the kids to bed at 9 pm, my cousin drives a truck, the parents take their kids to school in the morning, the company …
the activity mr phillips makes you do every class, the name for the dot in the number 234.615, the name for the place value of the four in 234.615, …
three syllable word that has a v in the middle and a y at the end, two syllable word that begins and ends with a c, two syllable word that is one of …
shred food such as carrots, something considerable above average, when something gets bigger or taller, sound made when someone is in pain, simple or …
place a _ at the end of every sentence that declares something, or makes a command, to cry out or speak with strong or sudden emotion, a group of …
a plane figure bounded by two radii and the included arc of a circle, a polyhedron with eight faces, a figure, symbol or group of figures or symbols …
advances communications capabilities for exploration and science systems, space exploration network services and evolution, space communications and …
a line with a single endpoint that extents with an arrow, two lines that meet a right angle, triangle that has no equal sides, six sided polygon, …
process of finding the factors, collection of all output values, lines which are always the same distance apart and never touch, the numbers that is …
is a point where two or more curves, lines, or edges meet, a side of a polygon or a face of a polyhedron,, two figures or objects are _ if they have …