Science Crossword Puzzles

Free printable science crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 631-660 of 1271 records

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Endocrinology crossword puzzle

beta-cells in the islets of langerhans produce this, produced by xxxx, axis with xxxx downstream, produced in the ovaries, stimulated by xxxx, …

Tissue crossword puzzle

a group of cells that are same in structure & work together are called?, what forms the framework that support the body?, which tissue is very …

Microorganisms crossword puzzle

one celled animal organisms found in decayed materials and contaminated water, plantlike organisms that live on dead organic matter, germ or disease …

Properties of Light crossword puzzle
Properties of Light

the small part of the electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye can see including the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, …

Functions of The Human Brain crossword puzzle
Functions of The Human Brain

relays information from sensory receptors to proper areas of brain, collection of glands that produce hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, outer …

Muscles crossword puzzle

there is another prime mover for jaw closure except temporalis muscle, three muscles that end with "glossus", move this part of the body, …

Evolution and Selection crossword puzzle
Evolution and Selection

change in frequencies of alleles in a population across generations, pattern of evolution at or above the species level, probability of offspring …

Nervous System Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Nervous System Vocabulary

the part of the brain that coordinates the actions of the muscles and helps maintain balance, an automatic response that occurs very rapidly and …

The Universe & Space crossword puzzle
The Universe & Space

an object that has gravity so strong that even light can't escape it, a group of millions or billions of stars and planetary systems which are held …

Matter Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Matter Vocabulary

the smallest particle of an element, a substance that will be dissolved, a measure of the amount of matter is in an object, the substance that …

Gas Exchange and Respiration crossword puzzle
Gas Exchange and Respiration

the chemical reaction that releases energy from glucose, the type of respiration that uses oxygen, the type of respiration used during intense …

Electromagnetic Spectrum crossword puzzle
Electromagnetic Spectrum

shorter then microwaves, just greater then the red light, longest wavelength, a little bit shorter then radio but longer then infrared, very short …

Basic Waves Definitions crossword puzzle
Basic Waves Definitions

the distance taken up by one complete wave form, a line we draw that shows the position of all the wave peaks generated at the same time, area of a …

All About Evolution crossword puzzle
All About Evolution

a particular section, group or type of species living in an area or country, a group of organisms that are closely related and can mate to produce …

Organelles of Plant & Animal Cells crossword puzzle
Organelles of Plant & Animal Cells

stores and organizes genetic material, links amino acids together to form protein, closed compartment filled with water and enzymes, powerhouse of the …

Energy and Matter crossword puzzle
Energy and Matter

anything that has mass, takes up space, and is made of particles, the state of matter in which the substance has both a definite volume and a definite …

Bonding and Structure crossword puzzle
Bonding and Structure

a charged particle, the type of bond you get between two non-metals. a shared pair of electrons, the type of bond you get between two metals, a giant …

Digestion, Carbohydrates, and Cellular Respiration crossword puzzle
Digestion, Carbohydrates, and Cellular Respiration

part of the digestive system where most chemical digestion takes place. this organ makes up two thirds of the length of your digestive system, this …

Skin Structure crossword puzzle
Skin Structure

what layer of the epidermis is translucent, what vitamin is absorbed into the skin from the sun, which layer of the dermis contains collagen and …

Tools of Astronomy crossword puzzle
Tools of Astronomy

this is the ability to separate two objects that are very close together, this is the color light shifts to as things move towards earth, this kind of …

Oral Anatomy crossword puzzle
Oral Anatomy

the center sharp, chisel-shaped front teeth used for cutting food, the outside sharp, chisel-shaped front teeth used for cutting food, pointed teeth …

Neuroscience crossword puzzle

sensitive to chemical concentrations in the blood, the type of neuron in the parasympathetic system that secretes acetylcholine, the nervous system …

Plant Parts / Life Cycle crossword puzzle
Plant Parts / Life Cycle

shoot of a plant, part of the pistil, female organ in a flower, to make new offspring in plants, female reproductive organ, colored segments of a …

Universe crossword puzzle

a graph that plots stars organized by luminosity and by their temperature, a sphere made up of extremely hot gases, a cloud of gas and dust in outer …

Energy and Heat crossword puzzle
Energy and Heat

heat is transferred by touch, the ability to do work, amount of thermal energy to raise 1g of water 1 c, heat transfers through liquid or gas, energy …

Biochemistry: The Cell crossword puzzle
Biochemistry: The Cell

power house of the cell, single-celled ; no defined nucleus, membrane-bound organelles, made of proteins, carbs, and lipids, holds the organelles; …

Wave Properties crossword puzzle
Wave Properties

the reflection of sound that can be heard. (4), point where a longitudinal is squeezed together. (11), to move to and fro about a certain position …

Mixtures and Solutions crossword puzzle
Mixtures and Solutions

anything that has mass and takes up space, a substance in which a solute dissolve to form a solution, a mixture of one or more substances dissolved in …

Biochemistry crossword puzzle

polysaccharide that plants use for structure and support, to hydrolyze a bond between two monomers, you would have to add a molecule of _ , -cooh is …

Anatomy, Ologies, and Tissues crossword puzzle
Anatomy, Ologies, and Tissues

study of bone, has different types of tissue. there is voluntary, involuntary, and cardiac, study of structure, parts and chemistry of a living …