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Home & Garden Crossword Puzzles
Free printable home-garden crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
you put dishes and glasses here, you use them to cover from the light, is where you sleep, you cook here, you put your clothes here, you wash your …
usually called a pot, item that holds liquid. usually found with liquid to drink, sixteen ounces. unit of measurement that is eight times smaller than …
something you chop with, something you use to protect your kitchen counter/table, something you use to heat things up, something you use to whisk …
what i do to the dishes, i do this to wash the clothes, i do this to the clothes before i wear them, something i do in the garden, what i do to the …
i can chop, slice, shred, grind and puree almost any food, protects the table from hot items, used for blending fat into flour like fine bread crumbs, …
you hang this on the wall, you sweep the floor with this, the small table in the living room for tea or coffee, someone might call you on this, what …
use it for cooking, we sit at this table to read, work, write, you clean dishes with it, it is used to type documents, send emails, play games and use …
"when _ last in the dooryard bloom'd"--walt whitman, the _ was said to have sprung from the blood of ajax, in greek mythology, a brilliantly …
expansion valve that senses the temperature of the suction line, the _ device reduces pressure and controls the flow of liquid refrigerant into the …
turn this on to get water, bake bread inside this, eat soup out of this, salt and.., a knife and .., use this to boil water, where you heat food in a …
a room where you eat, you sit on it in the living room, it is in the kitchen. you eat from it, it is on the window, it is on the wall, a room where …
a bath in which water is sprayed on the body, where you can take a buble bath, to wash your hand with, to brush your teeth, this is a roll of, to hung …
"i never take the elevator. instead, i take the ...", "angela, is the cake still in the kitchen? take it to the ...", "where …
is used to mix egg and other things, used to strain lime juice, used to roll pizza dough, flip pancake etc and eggs, used to cut the pizza in slice, …
most versatile of all cleaner, used in scrubbing and polishing hard surface, used to polish wood surface, eliminates foul odor, used for scrubbing …
these are slumber stations, featuring both a resting frame and a comfort cushion, seating designed for intimate moments, fitting two individuals …
used for cooking food, like a stove or an oven, removes steam and cooking smells above the cooker, helps you bake bread automatically, for washing …
this material is used to 'make good' any imperfections on a surface to be painted, a paint that gives a top coat finish, this paint provides a base …
a liquid soap that is used for washing your hair, a piece of special flat glass that reflects images, so you can see yourself when you look in it, a …
too much of this will cause the gas flame to be noisy and "lift off" the burner rack, type of furnace with a vertical air flow thru the heat …