Science Crossword Puzzles

Free printable science crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 1261-1290 of 1376 records

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Natural and Artificial Selection crossword puzzle
Natural and Artificial Selection

theory of evolution by natural selection, a well-tested concept that explains a wide range of observations, selection exerted by humans, remains of …

Outer, Middle, & Inner Ear crossword puzzle
Outer, Middle, & Inner Ear

function of middle ear = _ matching, the external auditory canal is more _ in children than in adults, another word for earwax, phase difference …

Human Body Orientation crossword puzzle
Human Body Orientation

back of the body or organ, the plane that divide a person's front ad back, the heart is in this cavity, area above the stomach, situated in the front, …

Upper Limb Joints crossword puzzle
Upper Limb Joints

ulna (and radius) w/humerus, synovial, hinge, diarthrotic, uniaxial, extension of forarm, radius and ulna, synovial, pivot, diarthrotic, uniaxial, …

Arterial Blood Gases crossword puzzle
Arterial Blood Gases

refers to a lowered blood oxygen content, excessive bicarbonate ions in the blood, most common artery is used for obtaining abgs, excessive amounts of …

QUANTUM CLUES crossword puzzle

plants that grow in soil with high concentrations of salts, visible part of the sun, place where the value of the acceleration of gravity is minimum, …

Invertebrates crossword puzzle

flatworms, ciliated larvae of molluscs, arthropods have jointed _ , animals that lack a body cavity, specialized cells that engulf bacteria by …

Introduction to Genetics crossword puzzle
Introduction to Genetics

the version of the gene that is present. each person has two of these for each gene, one from each parent, each human cell contains 23 pairs of these, …

Lipids & Lipoproteins crossword puzzle
Lipids & Lipoproteins

pathway transporting liver produced lipids, pathway transporting dietary lipids, classification system of dyslipidaemias, clinically decreased lipids, …

Types of Fractures crossword puzzle
Types of Fractures

bone that is broken in at least 2 places, bone is broken at an angle, bone is broken with a twisting motion, break looks like a corkscrew, bone is …

Eclipse Day crossword puzzle
Eclipse Day

in what month is/was the 2024 solar eclipse?, which state does not experience eclipse this time: maine, indiana, colorado, texas, arkansas, a word …

DNA Transcription crossword puzzle
DNA Transcription

the enzyme that assembles the rna molecule (8 letters), the single-stranded rna molecule carrying the genetic code (6 letters), the region on dna …

Bee Biology crossword puzzle
Bee Biology

gland that young nurse bees use to produce food for larvae, this male bee develops in 24 days, shape of the honeycomb, the main source of protein for …

Earths Magnetic Field crossword puzzle
Earth's Magnetic Field

the region surrounding earth where the magnetic field dominates the behavior of charged particles, deflecting them from the solar wind, the magnetic …

Mechanics & Dynamics of Motion crossword puzzle
Mechanics & Dynamics of Motion

newton's law that states: f=ma, force that opposes motion along a surface, a change in velocity, a push or pull on an object, the speed of an object …

Haemotology crossword puzzle

the clumping together of blood cells, the rupture of lysis or erythrocytes and release of their haemoglobin, red blood cells, white blood cells, …

Reactions of Organic Compounds crossword puzzle
Reactions of Organic Compounds

the addition of the elements of water across a carbon-carbon double bond; h- adds to one carbon, and -oh to the other, a method of distillation using …

Gastric Processes crossword puzzle
Gastric Processes

this term refers to the stomach, which is a large, j-shaped organ, this additional layer of smooth muscles to the muscularis contracts at an angle to …

Chemical and Physical Changes crossword puzzle
Chemical and Physical Changes

what happens when water freeze?, do particles move fast or slow when heat up?, a change in which a substance combines with another substance to form a …

Atoms and Elements crossword puzzle
Atoms and Elements

a sub atomic particle with a positive charge, an element with the symbol k, the number of electrons that will be an atom which has 12 protons, the …

Chemical Reactions Revision crossword puzzle
Chemical Reactions Revision

a solid formed during a precipitation reaction, a chemical compound formed when atoms share electrons, a chemical compound formed from positive and …

Protein Synthesis-Transcription Process crossword puzzle
Protein Synthesis-Transcription Process

this serves as the blueprint in making protein, a three-letter base that code for amino acid, basic unit of life, contain the instruction for making …

Cells in Biology crossword puzzle
Cells in Biology

the smallest unit that can live on its own and that makes up all living organisms and the tissues of the body, transport _ carry fully processed …

Digestive System - 3 crossword puzzle
Digestive System - 3

it is an organ of the digestive system and of the endocrine system, an enzyme which breaks down proteins and peptides, an enzyme which breaks down …

Properties of Compounds crossword puzzle
Properties of Compounds

atom with a different number of electrons i _ _ , the type of bond found in ions, the type of bond found in covalent compounds, what is the phrase …

Variation & Inheritance Key Words crossword puzzle
Variation & Inheritance Key Words

all the alleles that make up a certain gene, an allele that is only expressed if there are 2 copies, e.g. bb, the differences within a species, …

Modes of Transmission crossword puzzle
Modes of Transmission

when a client laughs and droplets of their sputum land in their massage therapist’s eyes, this is an example of _ contact transmission, infections …

Science Study Guide crossword puzzle
Science Study Guide

a substance that cannot be broken down into any other substances by physical or chemical means, a substance made of 2 or more elements that are …

Neurobiology crossword puzzle

a mental disorder characterised by delusions, hallucinations, disorganised thoughts, speech and behaviour, a junction between two nerve cells, …

Commonly Used Microbes crossword puzzle
Commonly Used Microbes

a filamentous and soil-dwelling bacterium is used in the production of antibiotics, it may cause diseases, but some are important in decomposition and …