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Science Crossword Puzzles
Free printable science crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
element with 8 protons, electrons and neutrons, a substance made up of very long molecules, in a d _ r _ , a more reactive metal displaces - pushes …
the concentration of water vapour in the air (8 letters), the process of breaking down food to release energy in plants and animals (11 letters), the …
which is the most present gas in air?, what are at the end of every bronchiole?, which lung is smaller?, what is the addictive and harmful chemical in …
a cloud of gas in space where stars are born or die, a large rounded astronomical body that is not a star or star remnants, the curved path of a …
a trait coded by a gene on either the x or y chromosome (ex. colorblindness), sex cells - sperm and egg, a diagram used to predict the geno types of a …
type of wbc that destroys bacteria by encompassing it, another name for white blood cells, straw colored liquid containing proteins and water, protein …
bonding where valence e- are delocalized, sharing of 2 e- between 2 nonmentals, covalent molecule with uneven distribution of valence e-, elements …
determines the quality (ability to penetrate) of the x-ray beam, determines the amount of x-rays that reach the image receptor. directly related to …
you hear me every morning but i'm always interrupted, everyone loves me, but i was originally a mistake, i'm used for back pain, arthritis,severe …
molecule that binds onto the enzyme at the active site, base that pairs with thymine, the shape of dna, another factor that affects enzyme activity, …
when any intensity of light strikes rhodopsin, it breaks down into opsin & this pigment, this vision defect refers to abnormally high pressure of …
also known as the “blind spot,” this spot where the optic nerve joins the retina contains no rods nor cones, also known as visual purple, this …
a change of state from liquid to gas, a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy without being used …
this loop of _ is comprised of the descending and ascending limbs. bonus: also called the _ loop, precursor to urine, t/f: it is common to have …
converts short-term memories to long-term memories, 'power-lines' that connect cerebral hemispheres, the general manager of homeostasis, hub for …
an abnormal respiratory condition associated with allergic hypersensitivity to certain inhaled allergens, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease …
type of change that is always accompanied by physical change, chemical changes in matter can be easily determined through evidence or?, is both an …
the neural process which increases the desire to consume highly-palatable foods, dietary carbohydrate, protein and fat can be converted into this in …
immovable joints (pl.), slightly movable joints (pl.), freely movable joints (pl.), "bone-makers" (pl.), "bone-breakers" (pl.), …
"breastbone", thigh bone, forearm (lateral) - 'thumb-side', forearm (medial) - 'pinky-side', lower leg (medial) - 'shin', lower leg …
refers to layers of cells, cell division, cells which have an elongated shape, humans are created by, what is the first stage of cell division, …
the primary function of the spine is to protect the ?, the _ and _ are both attached to the spine and are not themselves vertebrae, there are six of …
requires energy, water always moves to an area of high _ concentration, the active transport of large molecules into the cell, passive transport that …
most ancient astronomers thought that all celestial objects revolved around _ , ge is the _ word for “earth.", galileo discovered _ moons …
known as the red planet, the inner planets are also known as _ planets, the second largest planet in the solar system, envelope of gases surrounding …
the closest galaxy to the earth, the strongest material in the known universe, the largest zodiac constellation, and the 2nd largest constellation …
the largest moon in the solar system, the second largest galilean moon, the second smallest galilean moon, the smallest galilean moon, like a …
an increase in the size of a substance when the temperature is increased, the process of a solid changing directly to a gas without forming a liquid, …
to bounce off the surface, a curved piece of glass that can change direction of light, the seven colors that make up white light, a wave where the …
a device that converts thermal energy into mechanical energy, a material in which electrons can move easily or material that transfers heat easily, …