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Beauty & Fashion Crossword Puzzles
Free printable beauty-and-fashion crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
a type of soft, fancy material, a big size used to describe clothing, a way to describe popular clothing, a word used to describe clothing that goes …
a garment for the upper body with a collar, sleeves, and buttons down the front, an outer garment covering each leg separately, typically extending …
having little or no hair on the head, having a lot of curls or a curved shape, not in a curve or at an angle; in a straight line, loose, soft shoes …
isaac singer invented the modern ... machine, long, thin pieces of metal, wood or plastic used in pairs to make clothes or accessories out of wool or …
a piece of clothing that hangs from the waist and covers part or all of the legs, a set of clothes that usually consists of a jacket and trousers or a …
items are the very latest or newest fashions, temporary, passing fashion, the display of the current popular style of objects or activities, refers to …
how many numbers on a ph scale, what does ph stand for?, what is the ph of eyes?, what is considered a universal solvent?, the technical term for …
caused by release of toxins, may accompany nausea, _ therapy, uses alternating hot and cold water, to match clients needs, removal of complete removal …
it is any of the various cosmetic preparations that are applied to soften the skin, it is a liquid used to soften nail cuticles and prepare them for …
process of removing hair from the follicle, removal of hair at or near skin level, fast, affordable service, repeated at regular intervals, perform …
template from which the parts of a garment are put on fabric before being cut out of assembled, twisted filaments of fiber of any kind used for …
equipment which holds fabric together, a type of embroidery stitch with no gaps, equipment which removes creases from fabric, equipment which is used …
fibers from natural resources, plants and animals, spun from insects, ability to pull moisture away from the body, short fibers, fibers created from …
the top half of a gem, place two metals (gold, platinum, or silver > at appropriate positions on the side of the gem to support the gem, with metal …
a tool used to cut hair very short, another word for hair cut, to de-tangle, a way of adding different lengths, a hot tool for curling, measures 2.54 …
founder of g.a. morgan hair refining company, where slaves first arrived, one of which was used for hair conditioners to softer the hair, rapper that …
pants without pockets, decoration to wear on back, a tight fitting vest, decorative shorts for women, loose cap with floppy top, a shirt buttoning all …
visible line separating colored hair and new growth, any technique that involves partial highlighting or coloring, technique in which selected strands …
the outer layer of the hair shaft, the study of hair and its diseases, skin care doctor, the ability of the hair to absorb moisture, the oil from the …
a textile machine used to stitch fabric, cards and other material with thread, the cloth used in making garments, a cutting implement; a tool for …
small handheld tool used to cut the thread in seams, used to help put the thread through the eye of the needle, length of twisted fibers used in many …
the hardest natural gemstone, red gemstone is known for its vibrant color, blue gemstone often used in jewelry, green gemstone prized for its rich …
the number one step to perfect placement, used to brush the nl, cream used to protect from glue particles causing irritation, application of one lash …
it's viewed as an art in public places, he's famous for his graffics art, the first who make tags, the most popular technic who use street art, the …
a way of life, a type of music, a techinque uesed for graffiti, a form of art that is written,paintedor drawn on a wall, a type of dancing to hip hop …
royal plush, #9 down yields a hank of this, stitch, lengths of fabric, flax cloth, levi strauss's favorite fabric, twill coat, old fashioned curtain …
purple form of quartz, long-time maine gem miner, town where mt. mica is located, town where mt. apatite is located, name for tourmaline with pink …
used in kitchen to cook and clean; bathroom in toothpaste, used in bath to feel better, made from corn. used in soap, nail polish, shampoo and …
very happy, or likely to make people very happy--orange and yellow, dark, especially in a way that makes you feel sad--gray, clean and not mixed with …