Shampoo & Conditioner Review Crossword Puzzle

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Shampoo & Conditioner Review Crossword Puzzle

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  • fourteen : how many numbers on a ph scale.
  • potential hydrogen : what does ph stand for?
  • seven : what is the ph of eyes?
  • water : what is considered a universal solvent?
  • malassezia : the technical term for dandruff.
  • stimulation : the 2 basic requirements for a healthy scalp are cleanliness and _ .
  • sebum : the oil that is secreted from our scalps is called _ .
  • acidic : the ideal shampoo is a shampoo that is slightly _ and closely matches the natural ph of hair.
  • surfactant : the cleansing agent that are responsible for cleaning or removing dirt/oil.
  • hydrophilic : the head of the surfactant molecule that is attracted to water.
  • lipophilic : the tail of the surfactant molecule that is attracted to oil.
  • conditioner : _ is a chemical agent applied to the hair to deposit protein and moisturize hair.
  • humectants : the ingredient in conditioners that are responsible for moisturizing.
  • alkaline : a clarifying shampoo is considered to be _ on the ph scale.
  • leavein conditioner : a conditioner that is sprayed in the hair when its wet and is not rinsed out.