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Chemistry Crossword Puzzles
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written ion name: oh^-, written ion name: mno4^-, written ion name: nh4^+, written ion name: co3^2-, written ion name: clo3^–, written ion name: …
containing carbon atoms joined together in a ring that is not aromatic, an organic compound containing a benzene ring, movement of pair of electrons, …
hydrocarbon containing 1 double bond, formula r-cho, a chemical reaction where energy is released, faster reaction, _ ea, measure of a molecule's …
a process where substances change to form new substances, a reaction where a substance burns in oxygen to release energy, a reaction where oxygen is …
when an atom loses electrons or gains oxygen, a chemical reaction when a molecule, atom, or ion gains or loses an electron, an ion made of one atom, …
a covalent compound containing carbon atoms, a simple sugar that contains three to ten carbon atoms, compounds with the same chemical formula but …
conducts heat, characteristic of metal, can be bent and pounded into shape, usually dull in appearance, non-metal we need to breathe, period table …
the process in which some substances spontaneously emit radiation, the rays and particles emitted by radioactive material, the process by which …
a halogen found in toothpaste (via fluoride), the eighteenth element and third noble gas, the eighty-sixth element and sixth noble gas, the …
the second lightest element, its gas is used for advertising signs, the atomic number 8, has no stable isotopes, an nonreactive gas, more than 100 …
base that can dissolve in water, paper or solution that turns pink with an acid, dye that has a different colour in acids and bases, paper or solution …
separate insoluble solid from solvent, collect water from sea water, an apparatus used together with filter paper, obtain sugar from sugar cane juice, …
heating occurs due to particles with more energy colliding with others in the object, the process of heating where warmer particles rise, cool and …
which precious metal is used in printed circuit boards?, what speeds up the rate of a reaction?, which metals are found in the central block in the …
what spanish word does platinum derive from?, related to _ across, what does this word translate to?, what sort of metal is platinum?, as platinum is …
anything that has mass and takes up space, when two or more substances are together in the same place but are not chemically bonded, two or more atoms …
it is the lightest and most abundant element in the universe, typically found as a gas. it is commonly used in fuel cells and plays a key role in …
a mixture that does not appear to be the same throughout, a mixture that appears to be the same throughout, uses the physical property of size to …
a substance that contains one kind of atom and cannot be broken down into a simpler form, a substance made of two or more elements chemically combined …
this describes covalent compounds as conductors, these molecular ions gain or lose one or more electrons (ionic) as their atoms share electrons …
the name for when large nuclei split apart, dense metal very good at absorbing radiation, the can be lowered into a nuclear reactor to slow fission …
lowest possible temperature; the temperature at which all molecular motion ceases, temperature scale in which the freezing point of water is 0 °c, …
atoms with the same number of protons but a different mass number, when a ligand has multiple coordination sites and will bond to a metal center in …
unlike conduction and convection, radiation does not require _ to transfer thermal energy, as the thermal energy of matter increases, it's particles …
contains functional group -oh, prepared using alcohol and carboxylic acids, making alcohol using renewable resources, reaction with oxygen and form …
these organic substances that do not break up or dissociate when placed in water solution, a ph higher than 7 indicted it is a _ , this is water that …
protein "lumps" separate from whey, watery part of milk, antonym of despised, elastin, water loving, liquid changing to solid or semi-solid …
added to soil to increase the amount of nutrients and increase yeild, when two opposing reactions take place at the same rate, plants need this to …
a saturated hydrocarbon with a general formula cnh2n, a group of similar compounds sharing a common general formula, the fourth alkane, the third …
represents oxidation # or how many electrons has been gained or lost, new substance produced (on the right side of arrow), reaction in which 1 element …