Methodist Movement / History Crossword Puzzle

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Methodist Movement / History Crossword Puzzle

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  • protestant : faith traditions that were formed as result of reformation and protestation of the catholic practices.
  • christmas : the firsts conference of the methodist church held in america.
  • indulgences : the buying of god's forgiveness of sins with money purchased _
  • peter : disciple known as "the rock."
  • sunday school : because wesley believed deeply in education, _ _ (2 words) is important in the methodist church.
  • relationship : each of us can go directly to god without a priest - we have a personal _
  • reformation : movement to change catholicism/began protestantism
  • judas : the disciple who betrayed jesus for 30 pieces of silver
  • james : there were two apostles named this
  • luther : nailed the 95 theses to the door of the catholic church
  • catholic : after the jewish period of our history, the next quarter is represented by the _ church.
  • general : today the _ conference of the methodist church is 1/2 lay people and 1/2 clergy.
  • disciple : person who follows christ
  • paul : used to be known as saul/wrote 14 books of the new testament
  • lay : we are all ministers of the gospel - some are ordained and some are _ people.
  • wesley : founder of methodism - john _
  • doubting : i had to see and feel the nail holes in jesus' hands and side
  • apostle : person sent to spread the gospel of jesus
  • grace : god's love and forgiveness are a free gift - this is called _
  • jewish : the first half of our religious history is the _ tradition