Mesopotamia Review Crossword Puzzle

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  • gilgamesh : hero of an epic who travels the world performing great deeds
  • metalworkers : many sumerians were skilled at this, but had to trade to obtain their metals
  • water : during the summer in mesopotamia, this resource was scarce
  • assyrians : first iron weapons, 50,000 soldiers, infantry, cavalry and charioteers
  • ziggurat : a pyramid-shaped structure with a temple at the top
  • middle class : sumerian artisans, merchants, farmers, and fishers made up this social class
  • war heroes : first sumerian kings were probably these
  • nineveh : site of one of the worlds first libraries
  • hammurabi : wrote a legal code that covered most areas of daily life
  • sargon : conquered all of the people in mesopotamia, and created first empire lasting 200 years
  • astronomers : people who study heavenly bodies
  • fertile crescent : includes parts of modern jordan, israel, lebanon, iraq, syria, and turkey
  • chaldeans : group of people that rebelled against the assyrians
  • sumerians : went to war with each other over resources and political borders