Growth of American Colonies Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: salem witch trials : the prosecution and execution of twenty women and men in massachusetts, mayflower compact : agreement made by the pilgrims in which they agreed to obey all of the government's laws, mercantilism : economic theory in which a "mother country" believed it should have colonies where it could buy raw materials and sell products, indentured servants : agreed to work for a master for a set amount of time, up to seven years, puritan : a person who favored the purification of england's anglican church, triangular trade : trade between the americas, europe, and africa, duty : another word for tax, house of burgesses : the lawmaking assembly of virginia, self sufficient : having the necessary resources to be able to make everything needed to maintain oneself, salutary neglect : the term used for britain rarely enforcing the navigation act, fundamental orders : written by representatives of connecticut towns to create a new plan of government for their colony, middle passage : the forced transport of slaves from africa to the americas across the atlantic ocean, balance of trade : the difference in value between exports and imports.