Egyptian History Review Crossword Puzzle
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- twenty : first female pharaoh whose rule lasted over _ years.
- amenemhet : government worker who became pharaoh
- hyksos : war-like nomads settled in egypt and took over the kingdom
- new kingdom : this time began after a group of egyptian princes worked together to drive the hyksos out of egypt
- caves : these _ were carved into the cliffs to create hidden burial chambers
- howard carter : man who discovered king tut's tomb in 1922
- nubians : an african people under egyptian rule for 700 years
- old kingdom : time of pyramids and mummies
- polytheism : the worship of many gods
- thutmosei : general who became pharaoh and doubled the size of egypt
- dynasty : a family that rules a country for many years
- hatshepsut : first woman pharaoh
- seven : the age king tut became pharaoh
- weapons : one of the reasons the hyksos were able to defeat the egyptians
- middle kingdom : the nubians were conquered during this time
- queentiye : a nubian woman who became queen of egypt
- golden age : this time of egyptian history is often referred to this way
- kingtut : pharaoh during the new kingdom; lived to be 18; not buried in a pyramid
- monotheism : the worship of only one god