Ancient Athens Democracy Vocab Crossword Puzzle

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Ancient Athens Democracy Vocab Crossword Puzzle

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  • agora : the town square where people gathered (mostly men)
  • assembly : also called the ecclesia, the part of athenian government that all citizens could take part in
  • tyrant : someone who takes over an area by force, like the ancient version of a dictator
  • pnyx : the location where the assembly took place
  • slave : often a war prisoner, these people did jobs for their masters and could not vote
  • citizen : the only type of person who could participate in government and vote
  • metic : men or women from foreign cities or countries, who had more rights than slaves
  • javelin : a long spear men and boys practiced for war with
  • majority : more than half of a group
  • democracy : made of the greek words for "people" and "power", means ruled by the many
  • lottery: a draw by chance from a large number of people
  • boule: also known as the council of 500, they were the full-time government for 1 year
  • bce : before common era
  • magistrates: government official who works in the court
  • athena: the symbolic goddess of athens