Halloween Scavenger Hunt Crossword Puzzle

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Halloween Scavenger Hunt Crossword Puzzle

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  • samhainophobia : the name for the fear of halloween
  • spiders : arachnophobia is the fear of _ .
  • brooklyn : the largest jack-o-lantern ever carved was in this city.
  • bats : vampire _ live in central and south america.
  • irish : immigrants who brought halloween customs to north america
  • turnips : first jack-o-lanterns were carved from _
  • mammal : bats are the only _ that can fly.
  • candy corn : the jelly belly candy company has used the same recipe for _ since 1900.
  • dead : day of the _ - celebration in mexico on november 1st and 2nd.
  • large melon : the word pumpkin comes from the greek word for _ .
  • egyptians : the people who originally made mummies.
  • witch : according to superstition, if you wear your clothes inside out and walk backward on halloween you might see a _ .
  • assistants : black cats were once thought to be witch's _ .
  • pumpkin : the largest fruit in the world.
  • blue moon : the name for the second full moon in one month.
  • orange : most common color of pumpkins.
  • black : halloween colors are orange and _ .